The QOAE is wondering why Spitzer’s wife stood up there with him on the stage of shame while he disgustingly danced around admitting what he really did and really apologizing for it.
Balloon Juice weeps copiously for “his beautiful and broken wife” and contemplates doing violence to poor Mr. Spit for his perfidy.
Save your chivalry for a woman wronged. Word is she was very much against his resignation. And that is also why she is up there on stage with him.
Look, anyone who’s been in a serious, live-in arrangement, married or not, you know when your S.O. is acting suspicious, when he’s not where he should be, when he’s showered and clean when he shouldn’t be, obviously hiding something, when there are weird expenses you don’t recognize, etc.
This woman is a Harvard educated lawyer. She’s no idiot.
My uneducated, wild conjecture is that she knew all about it. Maybe she’s one of those women who aren’t all that into sex, and welcome “diversions” that take care of that part of their marriage so she doesn’t get into fights about not giving it up. There are plenty of women like that.
The reason she’s in the marriage is much like Hillary: the power, the prestige, the social standing of being Missus Governor.
If he resigns, all that sacrifice was for nothing. Putting up with all the humiliation, his fucking around, jetting in whores for “unconventional” sex at $5.5k a shot (literally). All for nothing.
Now they get to sit around their big, empty mansion, him unemployed and disgraced, and deal with their empty, diseased, dishonest, hateful marriage.
And everything they had gained all these years of his rise, gone, ashes in her mouth. Gone because of his hubris and arrogance. Making mistakes an amateur would make: suspicious money transfers, arranging for women across state borders for immoral purposes, using his own personal cell phone and booking the pussy himself. And he’s no amateur, he’s a long-time prosecutor of some experience.
Now the question is, what whorehouses did he NOT investigate out of favoratism? What “perks”, in the way of perky young breasts, did he get for letting some businesses off the hook while he prosecuted others? What crime families (reportedly, the Bonannos) own those whore houses?
There’s so much wrong with this guy, he may do prison time. Disgrace, shame, financial ruin, social humiliation and rejection. This is what his wife has to look forward to now.
No wonder she was standing up there and trying to save him any way she could. Her bargain with the devil bit her on the ass. Shades of Hillary Clinton!