Since feminism has basically met all the goals the original feminists set out to cover, the modern day feminists are forced to manufacture new ones.
Real feminists would probably slap the idiots at Femiiste for their fatuous bullshit. Pamela Bone, a well-known serious feminist, died today. She was born again, as many lefties were, after 9-11. Here’s what she had to say about assholes like this Feministe bint:
LET it be recorded that in the last decade of the 20th century the brave and great movement of Western feminism ended, not with a bang but with a whimper… I don’t hold much hope on this International Women’s Day of seeing big protests in Australian cities against female genital mutilation; or against honour killings, stonings, child marriages, forced seclusion or any of the other persecutions to which women are still subjected. The fire of Western feminism has quietly died away, first as a victim of its success, lately as a victim of cultural relativism, of anti-Americanism and reluctance to be seen to be condemning the enemies of the enemy.
Of course, the Feministe gals aren’t brave or intelligent enough to get past their “the white man is eeeeeeeevil!” mentality and actually take on real problems, as Bone suggests, so we’re forced to read crap like this:
The point is that there is a long history in the United States of imaging black men as brutish, and comparing black people to monkeys and apes.
A good deal of racist propaganda has rested on those images, and they’re a deeply ingrained part of our cultural history. That’s why this Vogue cover, which plays on racist imagery, is troubling.
And please keep in mind that just because you don’t see racism, it doesn’t mean that it isn’t there, or that the people who do see it are the “real” racists. And please check out this update post on the Vogue issue, which I think visually clarifies the imagery a lot better.
Here’s the evil cover, via Protein Wisdom:
Looks to me like one of his signature “growls”: Google Images has many, many similar. Its not out of character for him to make this face. He does it after a score or a big play, and LeBron makes a lot of both. He gives me hope, at long last, after suffering through stuff like Jordan over Ehlo. But, as a Cleveland sports fan, I know not to get my hopes up too far.
That cover has proven it has one superpower at least, it upsets the stomach and disturbs the sleep of self-righteous, screeding feminists, who, with all the other problems women and blacks face in the world today solved, focus on Vogue covers:
Jill is writing her own follow-up post about this subject, but I feel so nauseous and sleepless about this whole thing that I felt the need to weigh in as well.
There’s no need for the Onion with comedy like this on the net. You can’t invent people this stupid, vapid and unintentionally fatuous (is that an oxymoron?). They are now madly scrubbing all the trackbacks and comments from hated whites and males out of their posts for fear of contamination.
I won’t subject you to her in depth expounding on the subject, she actually makes the same point again that she does above, only in more, um, depth. So, the thesis is, Vogue is intentionally posting a racist photo to further racist stereotypes and to damage black people in America generally.
I see.
1. Set up picture of threatening, animalistic black man with arm around laughing white woman
2. ?
3. $$PROFIT$$
Ms. Feministe, your paranoid “I see racism everywhere” bullshit doesn’t add up because magazines, an endangered species on this planet, are in the business of making money, not alienating or scaring their readers.
What possible financial interest could Vogue have in perpetuating stereotypes and insulting and demeaning black people that would coincide with selling magazines and staying in business? I’m saying and because since Vogue is undoubtedly is run by evil rich white men, of course they would objectify and beastialize black men as common practice, but where exactly is the profit in it?
Here’s Vogue’s next cover, just to even things up:
I can certainly see why you Feministes claim to see it: that increases your readership (and attention to your blog, with dozens of trackbacks from other bloggers either sucking your self-righteous ass (or telling you what an assclown you are) with your manufactured outrage so all you lily-white liberals can feel smug and self-righteous, fighting the most pernicious and damaging racial problem facing our country today: Vogue magazine covers.
When you get this pissed off about the mutilation of young girls’ genitalia, or gays and lesbians being hung and beheaded in Iran, or women stoned to death for adultery (or for “getting themselves” raped) or some other real problem back here on planet earth, then I’ll take you seriously.
While we’re on about outrage against people demeaning blacks and perpetuating stereotypes, kindly direct me to your post decrying this racist image?
or this one?
I didn’t think so. I’ll remember that the next time radical feminazies try some ju-jitsu by calling those who refuse to see racism where none exists racists.