All this type of tripe is trivia: the point here is the democrats want to increase government control of everything and anything they can. More patronage to hand out, more power, more control over money, more government workers who vote to entrench gov. programs, etc. etc. until we can have the booming economy of Greece.
The problem is, the public has finally had it. Even Dem pollsters and pundits now admit that the dems face losses of 80+ seats in the House and the heretofore unheard of chance of losing the Senate as well.
Of course, the dems don’t give a shit if it means they can bulldoze in another unrepealable government take-over.
Not that the GOP has been any better in recent years, but they are learning. The public has had it, they are mad as hell, and they are not going to take it any more. If the dems force this abortion through, NO dem seat is safe come November. We may see the biggest re-alignment in history, and coming only a couple years after the GOP was pronounced dead.
It’s a center-right country, like it or not, and we are not going to put up with this socialist bullshit. White guilt can only take you so far, and I’d say the Peter Principle has pretty much caught up with Obambi. I’ll be glad to see the door hit him on the ass 2 years after Reid, Pelosi, Rangel et al get the guillotine.
Hopefully, he’ll have a short retirement and follow Teddy soon after being ousted, so we won’t have another Carter on our hands, denigrating the US every time a camera points his way.