Its Saturday night. Time to put on your face and hit the clubs. Who’s going out to raise hell and howl at the moon? See a movie? Listen to live band? Go see a basketball game? Or stay home and watch TeeVee? Or browse pr0n on the ‘puter?
Me, I’m staying in and playing a game with my S.O. We’re finishing an old computer game tonight, a take-off on Harry Potter I guess, called Keepsake. So, a lazy stay at home night watching a couple old movies and playing an old computer game. But, that’s our idea of fun. My suggestions for movies tonight might be Ghost World, The Bounty (kind of long, but we don’t always watch the entire movie, we sometimes change during a lull), Cool Hand Luke (my S.O. has never seen it, I’ve been meaning to play it for a while), Topsy-Turvy (also long, but maybe just the onstage parts of The Mikado), and Jackie Brown (one of my all time favorites, I think its Tarantino’s best, and with the best actors), but my S.O. might have other ideas.
That’s our Saturday night. What’s yours?