Why Ebert quit watching Allen is completely different to why I did. Allen is like Larry David in that his NY-centric worldview assumes conservatives are wrong about everything and leftists are right, even when they are wrong. I don’t need that kind of propaganda yelled at me constantly when I’m trying to be entertained.
As a musician, studio owner and producer I’m very picky about what music I listen to, much to the annoyance of some of the people whom are near and dear to me. My opinion has always been that everything you read, watch and listen to influences you in some subtle way: if you listen to shitty music it will affect your own music. If you read or watch crap on TV it will even affect your way of thinking and worldview.
If you subject yourself to listening to Charles Manson’s music and lyrics you’re letting evil in, however subtly. Watching Allen’s movies, many of which concern he himself or another older actor in an unlikely romance with beautiful, young ingenue who finds him physically attractive and enjoys sex with him. While most artists I consider unworthy of my time and attention are a bit more subtle in their subversion, Allen is a little too on the nose.
Roman Polanski re-making Lolita (or Tess!) would be about as bad, considering his history of grooming, isolating and seducing pubescent girls.
For a long time, as a conservative, I had to separate actor’s and director’s politics from their art because you would miss too many good movies if you boycotted every liberal in Hollywood. However, I came to be annoyed with the cheap shots and subtle digs nearly every TV show and movie now takes at religious people, Middle Americans, rural and suburban dwellers, those who don’t hew to the SJW line and celebrate abortion, the mental illness of “sexual dismorphia”, the victimhood scam, the race-baiting and hypocritical accusations of a “war on women” by the left.
I haven’t watched TV in decades and I’m finding it pretty easy to withdraw from modern culture, movies etc. these days. Why let these people in your mind? They don’t convince, they don’t debate issues, they just attack you personally. Now we see that MOST of these people are truly bad human beings.
Despicable. Wrong about ‘feminism’ as they are about everything to do with American life. I never did need to be preached at by hypocrites. I don’t need that out of my ‘entertainment’.
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