Monty Python’s And Now For Something Completely Different
Scene 21: Bank Robber (Lingerie)
(Show statue of man and woman kissing and man blowing through her to make sounds).
Caption: Act II: How To Build Certain Interesting Things
(Shows junk on a stage. Hammer pounds junk into a jail prisoner’s arm with gun on a wheel. The arm becomes the robber’s arm.)
(Cut back to shop, the robber walks in and points gun at the assistant.)
Robber: Good morning, I am a bank robber. Er, please don’t panic, just hand over all your money.
Assistant: (politely) This is a lingerie shop, sir.
Robber: Fine, fine, fine. (slightly nonplussed) Adopt, adapt and improve. Motto of the round table. Well, um … what have you got?
Assistant: (still politely) Er, we’ve got corsets, stockings, suspender belts, tights, bras, slips, petticoats, knickers, socks and garters, sir.
Robber: Fine, fine, fine, fine. No large piles of money in sales?
Assistant: No, sir.
Robber: No deposit accounts?
Assistant: No sir.
Robber: No piles of cash in easy to carry bags?
Assistant: None at all sir.
Robber: No luncheon vouchers?
Assistant: No, sir.
Robber: Fine, fine. Well, um… adopt, adapt and improve. Just a pair of panties then please.
(The announcer appears to walk on the water of a moving river to his desk)
Announcer: And now for something completely different.