Monty Python Live at the Hollywood Bowl
Scene 11 : World Forum
From Monty Python’s Flying Circus season 2 episode 12 sketch 3
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Host Eric Idle
Mao Tse-tung Terry Gilliam
Karl Marx Terry Jones
VI Lenin John Cleese
Che Guevara Michael Palin
Host Good evening. Tonight on World Forum we are deeply privileged to have with us Karl Marx, the founder of modern socialism and author of the Communist Manifesto, Vladimir Ilitj Ulyanov, better known to the world as Lenin, leader of the Russian Revolution, writer, statesman, and father of modern socialism, Che Guevara, the Bolivian guerilla leader, and Mao Tse-tung, chairman of the Chinese Communist Party since 1949.
And the first question is for you, Karl Marx. “The Hammers.” “The Hammers” is the nickname of what English football team? “The Hammers.”
No? Well, bad luck, Karl. It is, in fact, West Ham United. Now, Che Guevara. Che… Coventry City last won the English football cup in what year?
No? I can tell no further question. Anybody else? Coventry City last won the English Football Cup in what year? No, I’m not surprised you didn’t get that. It is in fact a trick question. Coventry City have never won the English Football Cup.
So now with the scores all even, it’s on to Round 2, and Lenin, you start at the $10. Jerry Lee Lewis has had over 17 major solid gold hits in the U.S. of A. What’s the name of the biggest? Jerry Lee Lewis’ solid gold biggie? No?
Mao Tse-tung [Buzz]
Host Yes, Mao Tse-tung?
Mao Tse-tung “Great Balls of Fire?”
Host Yes, it was indeed! Very well challenged. Well, now we come on to our third round. Our contestant tonight is Karl Marx and our special prize is this beautiful lounge suite! Uh, Karl has elected to answer questions on workers’ control of factories, so here we go with question number one. You, nervous, Karl? Just a little. Well, never mind pal, have a go!
The development of the industrial proletariat is conditioned by what other development?
Karl Marx The development of the industrial bourgeoisie.
Host Good! Yes, it is indeed! Well done, Karl! You’re on your way to a lounge suite! Now Karl, number two. The struggle of class against class is a what struggle?
Karl Marx A political struggle.
Host Good! Yes, it is indeed. Well done, Karl! One final question, and that beautiful non-materialistic lounge suite will be yours! Ready, Karl? You’re a brave man. Your final question: Who won the English Football Cup in 1949?
Karl Marx Uhuh, the workers’ control of means of production? The-the struggle of the urban proletariat?
Host Uh, no, it was Wolverhampton Wanderers who beat Lester 3-1.
Karl Marx Oh, shit!
Host Get out of here! Well, no one leaves this show empty-handed, so we’re gonna cut off his hands. Well, now it’s talent spotting time, ladies and gentlemen, and please see if you can spot any talent in our next competitors? Will you please give a very big hand and a warm welcome to Carl Weetabix and Rita!