Read the article if you dare
Rolling Stone Asks 3 Democrat Hacks Why Their Party Sucks Ass.
Ruy Tuxeira is a dispicable boor and bigot. Notice the not-so-subtle digs he gets in paraphrase: Gay marriage will happen when young, more liberal voters come of age whether Karl Rove likes it or not- I stopped reading around that point.
The credentials of their “non-partisan” panel are laughable: Hart has polled for everyone from Humphrey to Jay Rockefeller! WOw, the entire gamet from A to B! And Gergen devolved into a Democrat hack as soon as Bush I took office and has been put up as a shill posing as a “non-partisan but Republican leaning” commentator ever since. He’s an asshole is what he is, and he usually adopts a sad, resigned attitude towards what he characterizes as the Republican’s latest over-reaching and excess.
“The Coming Dem Majority” is a laughable farce and Tuxeira and his partner should be laughed out of political commentary but as long as idiots like Jann Wenner are grinding the ax he’ll still get a hearing as if he has something useful to say. Obviously none of the 3 have a clue, which is actually GOOD for the Republicans.
You somehow get the idea that the Dems plan on running the same campaign in ’06 and ’08, assuming the public hates Republicans and sees things their way (if only we weren’t all so fucking stupid).