Hugh Hewitt, lapdog for Mitt Romney, pronounces that prime example of Mormon racist-and-hate-with-a-smile a master politician:
Mitt Romney’s “Faith in America” speech was simply magnificent, and anyone who denies it is not to be trusted as an analyst. On every level it was a masterpiece. The staging and Romney’s delivery, the eclipse of all other candidates it caused, the domination of the news cycle just prior to the start of absentee voting in New Hampshire on Monday –for all these reasons and more it will be long discussed as a masterpiece of political maneuver.
Yes, Mormons are master salesmen, and are trained in depth how to A. defend the cult B. hide and obscure its more hateful, race baiting, sexist and patriarchal and slanderous features. The main gist of his nub in this speech is any America promises freedom of religion, so anyone who doesn’t recognize his anti-semitic, Christian hating, woman oppressing cult as equal to any other religion and give him a complete pass on being a fucking disgusting bigot is being just plain mean.
Romney’s whining, cry-baby speech about how all non-Mormons who dislike his digusting, anti-American cult are just bigoted haters and everyone should just forget the fact he belongs to a cult that would make a Klansman feel right at home.
Sorry, I’ve investigated the Mormon religion and its racist, sexist and intolerant in a VERY offensive way towards other religions. If Romney does manage to use his glib, slimy, lying act to finagle the nomination, _I’LL_ leave the Republican party, I’ll work for the opposition.
I won’t be alone. Mitt Romney as a candidate could destroy the Republican party, he would for sure splinter it into at LEAST 2 pieces. And for good reason. The guy is a member of a cult with tenets that would make a Klansman blush.
Sorry if that bothers people that I won’t support a racist, sexist, intolerant cult that preaches hate towards non-Mormons. I’d sooner see Hillary! president than Romney and the LDS in power.
I have personal experience with the LDS and its stalkerish, repressive, harassing manner towards gaining converts, and towards people who wish to leave the cult.
Its right on the same plane as Amway and Scientology. Here’s just a small taste of some of the teachings from the Book of Mormon, which Mormons are exhorted to TAKE LITERALLY, as in live it in everyday life and take all its preachings and teachings to heart as the absolute truth of God:
Intolerance in the Book of Mormon
1 Nephi
1. The Jews are wicked, performed abominations, and killed prophets. 1:19
2. It’s better to kill one person than have a whole nation die unbelievers. 4:13
3. The Native Americans are the decedents of those “who dwindled in unbelief.” As a punishment for their disbelief, their skin was darkened and they became “a filthy people, full of idleness and all manner of abominations.” 12:22-23
4. Nephi sees the “great and abominable church” (the Catholic Church) and its founder, the devil. 13:6
5. The Nephites were “white and exceedingly fair.” 13:15
6. Nephi sees the “great and abominable church” (the Catholic Church) who has taken away the plain and most precious parts of the gospel. 13:26
7. The “great and abominable church” (the Catholic Church) has taken away the plain and most precious things from the book. 13:28
8. The plain and most precious things in the book have been taken away (by the Catholic Church) . 13:29
9. The plain and most precious parts of the gospel have been removed by that abominable church. (the Catholic Church) 13:32
10. The “great and abominable church” (the Catholic Church) was “founded by the devil” to lead souls to hell. 14:3
11. The “great and abominable church (the Catholic Church) , … the mother of abominations, whose founder is the devil.” 14:9
12. There are only two churches: the church of the Lamb of God, and the church of the devil (the Catholic Church). You either belong to the good chuch or the bad church (the mother of abominations, the whore of all the earth, the Catholic Church) ). 14:10
13. “The whore of all the earth (the Catholic Church) sat upon many waters.” 14:11
14. The church of the Lamb of God had few members “because of the wickedness and abominations of the whore (the Catholic Church) who sat upon many waters.” 14:12
15. The “great mother of abominations” (the Catholic Church) recruits people from all over the earth to fight against the Lamb of God. 14:13
16. “The wrath of God was poured out on the great and abominable church.” (the Catholic Church) 14:15
17. “The wrath of God is upon the mother of harlots. (the Catholic Church) ” 14:16
18. “The wrath of God is poured out upon the mother of harlots, which is the great and abominable church (the Catholic Church) … whose founder is the devil.” 14:17
19. There’s an “awful gulf” that separates the wicked (the Catholic Church) from the saints. 15:28
20. There’s an “awful hell” prepared for the wicked (the Catholic Church) . 15:29
21. There’s an “awful hell” prepared by the devil (for those in the Catholic Church) . 15:35
23. The members of “the great and abominable church” the whore of all the earth (the Catholic Church) will kill each other and get drunk on their own blood. 22:13
24. All those that fight again Zion (Mormonism), like “that great whore, that great and abominable church” (the Catholic Church) will be destroyed. 22:14
26. You must do whatever the prophet (Jesus or Joseph Smith) says. Those who don’t will be cut off. 22:20
27. Soon all the churches of the devil (non-Mormon churches) will be destroyed. 22:23
2 Nephi
28. God cursed the Lamanites (the ancestors of the Native Americans) causing their skin to turn dark and making them “loathsome” to His people. 5:21-22
29. God forbids intermarriage between the Nephites (those who follow Mormonism) and Lamanites (Native Americans). Those who do will be cursed by God with “the same cursing”. 5:23
30. God’s curse on the Lamanites (Native Americans) also caused them to “become an idle people, full of mischief.” 5:24
31. Those who don’t fight against Zion (the Mormon Church) and who don’t join “the great and abominable church (the Catholic Church) will be saved. 6:12
33. God will force (Catholics) to eat their own flesh and drink their own blood. 6:18
35. Jews are wicked. Only the Jews would crucify their God. 10:3
36. Those who fight against Zion (Mormonism) will die, for they are the whore of all the earth (aka, the Catholic Church). Those who are not for God are against God. 10:16
37. America was consecrated by God to the seed of Nephi (Mormons). God likes America better than any other country. All Americans will someday worship God. (And become Mormons) 10:19
38. The Jews created abominations and works of darkness. 25:2
44. The devil is the founder of all those “secret combinations.” (all non-Mormon Christian churches) 26:22
46. More ranting about “that great and abominable church, the whore of all the earth.” (the Catholic Church) 28:18
48. Before many generations pass, Native Americans will convert to Mormonism, their skins will turn white, and they will become a “delightsome” people. 30:6
49. The Jews will also be converted and become a “delightsome” people. 30:7
50. Those who reject the Book of Mormon are of the devil. 33:5Jacob
52. God curses “the land” to punish humans, and he has cursed the Lamanites (Native Americans) “with a sore cursing.” 3:3
53. The Lamanites (Native Americans) are filthy and have dark skins because they were cursed by God. 3:5
54. If you don’t repent, God will make your skin even darker than that of the Lamanites (Native Americans). 3:8
55. God made the Lamanites (Native Americans) filthy and dark skinned “because of their fathers.” 3_9
56. “Jews were a stiffnecked people” who “despised the words of plainness,” killed the prophets, and sought understanding. For this, God has blinded them and “taken away his plainness from them” so “that they may stumble.” 4:14Enos
63. The Lamanites (Native Americans) became wild, ferocious, bloodthirsty, and filthy. 1:20 Jarom
64. The Lamanites (Native Americans) “loved murder and would drink the blood of beasts.” 1:6Mosiah
66. The Lamanites (Native Americans) were a wild, ferocious, and blood-thirsty people. 10:12
67. The Lamanites taught their children to hate the Nephites, and to rob and kill them whenever they could. 10:17
68. The Lamanites were sinful and polluted. 25:11Alma
71. “What he had taught to the people was contrary to the word of God; and there he suffered an ignominious death.” Nehor was killed for teaching the heresy of universalism. 1:4, 15
72. re:”Priestcraft” The term “priestcraft” denigratea the Catholic Church. 1:12
73. Those who didn’t belong to the right church were lazy, wicked, babbling, idolatrous, proud people who were all a bunch of thieves and murderers. 1:32
74. The Lamanites were naked, and their skins were dark because of a curse from God. 3:5-6
75. God darkened the skin of the Lamanites (Native Americans) to keep them separate from the Nephites. 3:8
76. Whoever “mingles his seed” with the Lamanites will be cursed by God and will “bring the same curse upon his seed.” (Their children will have dark skins.) 3:9
77. Whoever is led away by the Lamanites will have “a mark set upon him.” (God will darken his skin?) 3:10
78. God darkened the skin of the Lamanites (Native Americans) to forever separate them from the Nephites. 3:14
79. Whoever “mingles his seed” with the Lamanites will be cursed by God. (They and their children will have dark skins.) 3:15
80. If you are not a sheep of the good shepherd (Joseph Smith), the devil is your shepherd. 5:39
81. Stay away from those who do not share your religious views. (Shun all non-believers, including your family, friends, even your children, spouse or parents if they will not join the Mormon cult) 5:57
84. The Lamanites were a wild, ferocious, and lazy people who delighted in murdereing, robbing, and plundering. God cursed them because of what their fathers did. 17:14-15
86. God’s curse of the Lamanites was lifted from the “Anti-Nephi-Lehies.” So did their skin became “white and delightsome” again? 23:18
88. The Lamanites (Native Americans) “delight in the shedding of blood” and spend their days in “the grossest iniquity.” 26:24
95. If you ask God to kill the enemies of Mormonism, he will do it. 33:10
96. Denying the Holy Ghost (refusing to become Mormon or escaping from Mormonism) is the greatest abomination and is unpardonable. 39:5-6
97. Evil people (Catholics and other Christian non-Mormons) are those who “have no part or portion of the Spirit of the Lord.” They will be “cast out into outer darkness; there shall be weeping, and wailing, and gnashing of teeth.” 40:13
107. Those who will not support Mormonism are put to death. (non-Mormons) 46:35
108. The dissenters become even more “wild, wicked, and ferocious than the Lamanites [Native Americans], giving way to indolence and all manner of lasciviousness.” 47:36
120. Those who reject the word of God (the Book of Mormon?) and “all the preaching and prophesying” are “grossly wicked”. 6:2
129. Jesus says that he wants everyone to agree that Mormonism is the true religion. He says that whoever argues against Mormonism is “of the devil.” 11:28-29
132. After they were blessed by Jesus, the disciples became whiter than anything else on earth. 19:25
133. The disciples were white — as white as Jesus 19:30
142. God will “cut off” the witches and soothsayers (Catholics). 21:16
144. God “will execute vengeance and fury upon” those who do not follow the Mormon cult. 21:20-214 Nephi
149. “The people of Nephi … became an exceedingly fair and delightsome people.” 10
154. The Lamanites (or Native Americans) were once “a delightsome people”, but God made them a dark-skinned, “filthy and loathsome people, led about by Satan” because of their unbelief and idolatry. 5:15-18
157. “The same that judgeth [the Book of Mormon] rashly shall be judged rashly again. He that smiteth [the Book of Mormon] shall be smitten again, of the Lord.” 8:19
160. Moroni suggests that unbelievers turn to God so that they might be made fair and white. 9:6
Now, Mormon apologists will point to Revelations and other sections of the REAL Bible for examples of racism, murder, incest, sexism, intolerance of unbelievers etc. The difference is, the Catholic Church, and in fact all enlightened and tolerant religions recognize that the Bible is a product of bad translation (through many different languages and dialects), the product of political battles where the victor got to write the history, much like ancient Roman history, where the victors are glorified and the vanquished slandered.
While God may have inspired the original Bible, its certainly been corrupted and twisted by many factors to a point where only a fucking FOOL would take it literally. Enlightened, intelligent people admire the Bible for its larger truths, parables, analogies and as a rough history of the Jewish peoples and the life of Jesus on Earth.
His main teachings and tenets are recognized by all religions as common sense examples of righteousness, tolerance and peace and love among all people.
Juxtapose that with the Book of Mormon, which teaches white supremacy, the inferiority of woman and that “Men are singularly selected to be instructed by God”, and therefore should lead their family and their wives and children should obey unquestioningly, no matter what he shall command. Women are no more than child-bearing chattel, living only to obey their husband’s commands.
Mormons are commanded to shun all non-believers. It is ok, according to the Book of Mormon, to cheat, lie, steal from, scam and even kill non-believers, and they deserve it for being so.
Mormons must shun their family, friends, children and even spouses if they will not also be Mormons. Mormons should avoid doing business with non-Mormons or fraternizing with them at all, except to convert them or to take advantage of them for the greater good of the Mormon church.
People with dark skins are cursed by God. The whiter you are, the more righteous you are.
All these things are in the Book of Mormon, and Mormons are commanded to believe them literally and to live by these commands in their daily life.
Mormons take great pains to be glib, glad-handing and over-friendly in an almost creepy manner. The main defense I’ve heard about Mormons are “I’ve known many, and they are always such great people, and so nice”.
Well, as Mark Twain pointed out, the devil is not likely to appear with a pointed tail and 2 horns on his head wielding a pitchfork. No, evil usually is most effective when it comes in the form of a personable, attractive, kind and friendly person who oozes with obsequious flattery and bonhomie.
Mitt Romney personifies the Mormon missionary, which every Mormon is. Like Amway salesmen, they are counseled to hide their true intents and purposes, to slowly lead people into their sway, to use subtle manipulation and lies to push potential converts into the cult.
They will tell converts not to debate or discuss Mormonism with non-believers. They will tell them that anyone who criticizes Mormonism is of the devil, is prejudiced against Mormons unfairly, and they also hide the more pernicious tenets of their religion, only revealing bit by bit the most disgusting and hateful slurs against Jews, Catholics, other non-Mormons, blacks, Hispanics and Native Americans.
Mormonism’s main tenets go against everything we hold dear in American life.
Other than that Mrs. Lincoln, wouldn’t you say you enjoyed the play?
I say again, it will be a DISASTER for the Republicans if Romney is nominated. Millions will leave the party. We will lose the race. There will be a third party Christian challenger (no, Mormons are NOT Christians) and the Republicans may take a generation to recover, if they ever do. I do not think its overstating to say that if Romney is nominated, it will kill the party, because the Religious Right will leave it, moderates will shun it, those left will not uphold any of the things that make the party what it is.
Every person who cares about decency, fairness, tolerance and liberalism in the classic, Western sense of the word, as in rights of men and women and tolerance and acceptance of the righteousness of all religious people should condemn Romney and reject him. He and his ilk preach hate and slander against anyone who is not a lock-step cultist Mormon.
Its a disgusting example of how low the Republicans have sunk that he has made it as far as he has. Anyone the people of Massachusetts feel is worthy to be governor of that state cannot be a good Republican President. His glib, slick and slimy dishonesty fooled them, but then, they vote for Teddy Kennedy regularly.
I don’t think most of the country is so easily fooled by hucksterism. I pray the Republican party is not. If, however, the slick liar from Massachusetts does manage to game the system and steal the nomination, I’ll regretfully leave the party and work for the Democrat.
It is quite a terrible fact that Hillary! would be better for the country than the disaster of a charlatan and despicably racist bastard like Romney in power.
Dan Riehl, someone I respect a great deal, except on this issue, drinks the Romney Kool-aid:
The genius within Romney’s speech isn’t necessarily his, though the notion that he appreciates the genius of our Founding Fathers and can state it so eloquently is critical. Like it, or not, America is a nation founded not only on the concept of religious freedom and the freedom to be without religion, should one choose. We are also a nation founded upon religious principles, one whose founders effort-ed to elevate those principles above and beyond the realm of organized religion, where history revealed to them how dangerous and deadly that can be. The Founders sought to incorporate the principles of religion, or at least the concept of a God who uniquely bestows freedom unto every individual equally, into a democratic political framework that would preserve them, presumably, for them, as mostly every right-thinking American would value such a thing.
Ok Dan, true, but how would the Founding Fathers feel about a religion preaching the inferiority of non-whites? Well, the sad truth is, some of them did indeed believe that. I’d like to think we’ve come along a bit in 2 1/2 centuries and are past all that.
There is no reason to confer the title “religion” on a cultish cabal which practices fraud, repression and stalking on people who try to leave. Nor on one which teaches hate, violence and horrific slanders against non-Mormons, Jews and Catholics.
I’ve never heard an Iranian nor Saudi imam spout as execrable blood-libel and incitement against Jews as the Book of Mormon, which Mormons teach is the LITERAL Word of God and must be followed TO THE LETTER in order to be saved.
Allah at Hot Air takes issue with Hewitt’s pontification that Romney is the second coming of Jesus, presidential politics-wise, but Allah’s main complaint just seems to be that Hewitt is calling anyone who disagrees with him a dunderhead, end of story, Romney rulez. Allah doesn’t really get into the specifics of WHY he disagrees, he just doesn’t like being told to toe the line. Same with SeeDubya at Junkyardblog. No one gets into the specifics of why Hugh is wrong on this one.
Rusty Shackleford over at MyPetJawa has been getting quite adamant that we should all just forget the white supremacist cult aspect and judge Romney on political grounds.
Huckabee: go to a Mormon church. Prove to me that you aren’t a narrow-minded bigot like so many of your supporters seem to be.
Mike Huckabee showing up at a Mormon church to worship–any Mormon church–would take the “Mormon question” out of the race. It would distance Huckabee from the fear that he is only climbing in the polls because he is a “Christian”.
And it would certainly delegitimize some of the current rhetoric about faith and the White House which I find repulsive. So repulsive, in fact, that I would fathom staying home on election day.
Again I say, “Other than that Mrs. Lincoln, can’t you just judge the play on its merits and forget the other unpleasantness?”
To me, Shackleford’s argument is reminiscent of pre-WWII British germanophiles approval of Hitler: other than his repression of the Jews, crushing of political dissent and disbanding of the German democracy and making himself dictator for life, he made the trains run on time and he kept the rabble in line.
It just don’t fly. The Romney’s religion IS him, and Mormonism more-so than most religions, because it is a very authoritarian and controlling religion that demands unquestioning adherence to its tenets, and very disturbing tenets they are. There are no “Sunday Mormons”.
If you are a practicing Mormon it doesn’t just dominate your life, it IS your life, and spreading, defending and helping expand the Mormon cult is your duty and your main occupation. Anyone who thinks Romney will not use the presidency to advance Mormonism and its tenets is ignorant or willfully ignoring the facts.
Everyone who knows the evil, hateful and destructive teachings and practices of Mormons needs to speak up NOW before its too late. The only reason Romney has gotten this far is that people don’t speak up often and loudly enough.
I make it my business to comment, post, email and link everything I can to educate people.
Mormonism is un-American. Its teachings are hateful, racist, sexist and intolerant, full of lies and slanders against other religions and races. Its adherents are commanded to take these pernicious teachings literally, spread them and practice them in everyday life.
Romney should be exposed and resisted. Let the Mormons practice their revolting 17th century attitudes towards women and non-whites, and medieval slanders against Jews and Catholics, just as the KKK and the Aryan Nation are free to practice, preach and live their evil tenets.
But not as the standard bearer for the party that freed the slaves, that championed civil rights when Democrat Senators were filibustering the Civil Rights Act and Democrat Governors were blocking the school doors to blacks.
The Grand Old Party should reject this cultist bigot, liar and con-artist. He should not only be defeated at the polls, he should be expelled from the party and denounced as the racist thug he is.
Bizzyblog:The Paragraph from ‘The Speech’ That Should Sink Mitt Romney has a technical, slightly specious argument that he avers will “sink” Romney. I seriously doubt anyone will adhere to this kind of trivial minutiae.
Chenzhen likewise takes a rather superficial tone scrutinizing the speech.
I wish people would take a more substantive look at Romney’s self-professed belief system and the really serious evil there-in and talk about it.