This year everyone seems to be judging the candidates on the Republican side by “how serious they are about immigration”, which of course is code for “which one is going to keep the fucking dirty Mexicans on the South side of the border, unless we need them seasonally for picking oranges and strawberries and such”.
Why, all the sudden is immigration the most important issue on everyone conservative blogger’s plate? And, coincidentally, the guy who promises to be the hardest on Mexicans, I mean immigrants, is also the guy who belongs to a cult that is explicitly racist, who says the Catholic Church was founded by and is now under the management of Satan himself (yes, Mormons claim to believe this as a literal fact) so that dovetails nicely with crushing the wetbacks.
It doesn’t seem to bother any of these people. The Capt,, who I used to respect, regularly shouts down anyone who mentions the elephant in the room that Romney belongs to a stone racist cult, has decided to support Mittens. Some other blogger makes the “conservative” case and gives him A+ for keeping greasers out of the American Dream and fails Rudy and McCain and gives Huckaboom an “eh” minus.
Look, I’m all for securing the borders and all that, but when did we close down new admissions and rewrite Emma Lazarus to read “brown-skinned people go home”? As the grandchild of immigrants, I’m a little bit uncomfortable with all this anti-immigrant stuff. I’m sure all you “lock the borders and throw away the key” people are 20th generation Americans that came over in 1776 on the Mayflower with Christopher Columbus, but I don’t have that claim of purity you seem to have.
What it looks like, now I’m just talking appearances here, is that the Republican party is starting to walk like a duck and talk like a duck. For all these years I’ve been arguing with my minority friends that the Republican party was actually better for minorities than the pandering Democrats, and they always said but its run by the same racists who used to be Dixiecrats.
Now the main issue of the party with which I’ve always identified has made its main declarative issue keeping brown people from getting citizenship and having a certified racist as its nominee. This is a little off-putting. And hard to defend, because now the duck is quacking really loud.
I’m done defending the party. I’m all about calling out racists and hoping there are enough Republicans who aren’t obsessed with keeping as many Hispanics as possible out of the country and who are bothered by a guy who preaches the worst kind of hate against women, gays, blacks, browns, Jews, have I missed anyone Mormons don’t slander?
Maybe if enough of us speak up, it will shame some of you motherfuckers into owning up to the fact you’re living up to every stereotype Democrats ever tried to smear the right with.
There is no legitimate reason why Mexicans shouldn’t get a very liberal and fair path to citizenship. Second, we don’t need a slick, glib, smoothly packaged racist as the smiling face of hate fronting the Republican party. If we do, I’m out, you lost me. And you’ve probably lost another couple generations of black, Hispanic and Jewish voters, and for the exact reasons they always claimed they didn’t vote Republican. Because IF Romney does become the nominee, and keeping the Mexicans down becomes the main issue driving his candidacy, then the nay-sayers were right all along- the Republican party is run by a bunch of racist, nativist thugs.