Ugly ass inbred British moron Communities Secretary Hazel Blears, notorious for her horrendous halitosis due to rotten teeth and chronic gum disease.
Britain has always turned out politicians who are America-hating, traitorous jerks like Red Ken Livingstone and George Galloway. Now buttinsky liars and cretinous politicians from the U.K. persist in making stupid comments about the U.S. Elections and the candidates.
And predictably, you can guess which candidates they criticize. Funny how even those European countries who swing around to being our true allies again never bad-mouth Democrats, it’s always one-way. Probably because what is good for Europe is usually bad for the U.S. and vice-versa, which is why we should reflexively vote against whoever the rest of the world favors.
Bad enough asshole Brit insults and lies about Sarah Palin and makes other ignorant observations about the U.S. Presidential Election, which is none of her fucking business in the
first place:
“I just think there is so much anti-politics — not just in this country but around the world,” Blears said.
“One of the reasons why Sarah Palin has been such a phenomenon is because she’s anti-politics, anti-Washington.
“Her politics are horrendous, but actually she’s struck a chord with people — ‘I’m a maverick, I’m not part of those powerful people’ — and people identified with that.”
Yeah, being against entrenched, corrupt politicians, as rotten as the legendary British dental problems, is a bad thing.
But to add insult to assholishness, Breitbart adds the “task from God” lie to the story:
Palin, the strongly anti-abortion governor of Alaska, has boosted Republican candidate John McCain’s fortunes since being named his surprise choice as running mate.
She has previously remarked that US soldiers in Iraq were being sent on a task from God.
The commenters set the useless P.O.S. reporter straight for about 100 comments in a row, defending the very very very popular Gov. Sarah Palin:
1. Robert September 21st, 2008 – 3:09 am
You guys usually have it pretty good so I’m surprised you mesed this up. Sarah Palin may be personally very strongly Pro-Life she has not made it a feature of the campaign. she has even said she doesn’t believe in forcing her views “down someone else’s throat”
As for her views on America’s mission in Iraq, she’s been widely misquoted. She was only paraphrasing Abraham Lincoln and his hope that rather than God be on our side that we be on God’s side.
I hope these oversights were just someone rushing to crank a story out and not some one repeating what other media outlets said or worse a reporter with their own agenda.2. gunclinger September 21st, 2008 – 3:10 am
yes hazel,but tomorrow she will be vp and you will still be ugly.3. Jeremy in PA September 21st, 2008 – 3:11 am
Palin did NOT say that US soldiers were on a task from God. She said to pray that they were.4. Andrew Henderson September 21st, 2008 – 3:13 am
You lie when you say, “She has previously remarked that US soldiers in Iraq were being sent on a task from God.” She said essentially, that let us pray that what we are doing in Iraq is what God wants us to do. Get your fact right.5. Dave September 21st, 2008 – 3:18 am
Good God what politician doesn’t capitalize on “voters disillusionment” as a strategy?.
Besides,who cares what the Orwellian nanny state has to say about us,if we’re being criticised by them then we’re on the right track.6. dinah September 21st, 2008 – 3:24 am
the above comments have it right on the Pro Life and task from God misquotes…or deliberate misinterpretations…..what clowns…7. Lend Lease September 21st, 2008 – 3:24 am
Tears for Blears8. Virginia Womyn September 21st, 2008 – 3:27 am
Thankfully previous posters set the record straight. I am sick of the media and their obvious bias in favor of Barack Obama.9. Enrique Jay September 21st, 2008 – 3:37 am
This reporter needs to study the facts more before submitting this story. So does the editor.
Perhaps the British government isn’t the only one who isn’t holding a neutral position here.10. The Bleamer September 21st, 2008 – 3:38 am
She is just jealous. No one knows who she is and no one cares who she is.Sarah rocks.
11. Andrea Trimble September 21st, 2008 – 3:38 am
I am always so amazed by the ignorance of the British government’s politicians when it comes to America. Really should do a fact verification before putting foot in their mouths.If you could realize by the way how anti-Conservative the media is in America, and the disinformation that is put out I think you would be running scared.
Did you know that last election we had UAW break into Republican headquarters in various cities and rough of the workers, some workers ended up with broken bones. It was voter intimidation at its worst, but I imagine you Brits knew that.
Obama recently told his supporters to get into the faces of those who disagree with them, sharpen their elbows. He said to argue with them, not to debate them. Yes diplomacy at its finest. He actually was conveying intimidation, again. But then again I am sure you Brits realize that Chicago where Obama is from is one of the most politically corrupt state here in America. By the way do I need to remind this is what Hitler’s thugs did so well to those who disagreed with them?
I ask you, if you had a politician who sat in a a church for over twenty years and listened to a suppose man of the cloth say that every problem in your country was because of whites, and that they needed to be wiped away from your country how quickly you would vote him in to office. I mean is this the type of man you want to represent your country? The man who mentored him for over 20 years, helped him with his book and he called friend was Rev. Wright. YOu can verify those hate filled sermons yourself with a little search.
I must say I am disappointed with the majority of your nation’s politicians. But I would not dare take shots at them normally. I have to say Blears is an idiot through and through. Is she really the best you can do? I won’t even get into her looks because I realize she cannot help that, well there is always a good plastic surgeon to remove her ass from her shoulders.
12. Bill September 21st, 2008 – 3:38 am
It’s bad enough that the average reporter is intellectually lazy, but throw in rampant media bias and … well … you get this story we just read. It sounds like the reporter read an AP newswire, re-worded it so it wasn’t flat out plagiarism, and popped it right back out with their own anti-Palin spin to it.13. Andrea Trimble September 21st, 2008 – 3:41 am
Correction, Chicago is a city that is so corrupt.14. Mike September 21st, 2008 – 3:44 am
This line:
“She has previously remarked that US soldiers in Iraq were being sent on a task from God. ”
was taken out of context and edited by a liberal Obama supporter masking himself as a journalist named Charles Gibson. Palin did not say that. Now a liberal british minister feels the need to bash Palin? Good! That means that I’m supporting McCain/Palin even more. If liberals hate her so much, then she’s perfect for the job.15. Erik September 21st, 2008 – 3:44 am
As many times as those mis-quotes have been clarified, continuing to misrepresent what Palin actually said can only be attributed to active participation in a smear campaign.The British government has screwed the pooch for England so they should really spend their time worrying about which Burka they want to wear next year.
Black or Black can be such a tough fashion decision.16. Jim Mc September 21st, 2008 – 3:50 am
If Miss Blears (Or most European politicians for that matter) is against Palin then she must be doing something right.I find it odd that in the U.S. they complain that Palin doesn’t have a background and no political experience, the Miss (I assume she isn’t married) Blears says Palin is part of the anti-politics problem. Which is it?
17. clemmieo September 21st, 2008 – 3:51 am
Ditto to every one of the above comments. When we have lost our ability to be fair and rational, then as Western civilization, we are bound to start that very short trek down to the bottom ring of Hell. West Liberty, IA., USA18. Dick Bolduc September 21st, 2008 – 3:54 am
Blears should concentrate her efforts on exporting more contributions to society i.e.,”The Beatles”, Paris Hilton, Princess Di and the phoney trappings of the “Monarchy”. Long Live the King eh !
Actually, I don’t think Paris Hilton is British, but hey, pile on! Also, I don’t actually think the Beatles were a bad thing, personally. Princess Die was a useless trollop though, I agree with him on that one point.