Jesus, some people don’t venture out in the internets very far past Ellen DeGeneres Fan Site or Care Bears Appreciation Forum or wherever else this guy frequents that he thinks this is a “bitter and angry” post.
He should take a cue from Mister Snitch, who knows the value of a good, robust post when he reads one.
Whiny ass titty baby blogger over at Unstronaut: (Bullshit detector – cock-blocked and ready to rock!!) Takes a break from blogging about Miley Cyrus fan fiction long enough to clutch his pearls and lunge for the smelling salts over one of the most temperate posts in recent history here at docweaselblog (after first failing to read how to comment, then accusing us of not allowing people to have their say, right off the bat revealing what a cock-eared butt-tool he is):
I just read the most angry and bitter blog today, apparently a response to some of the comments Senator Obama made in Pennsylvania. Like I said, they were dumb statements, but I can’t imagine Barack Obama is anywhere near the season’s lead for dumb statements, next to Hillary Clinton or John McCain. I would concur that Hillary Clinton would be a good president, possibly even great. I am not convinced she actually has the same economic bearing as her husband, but I’m not convinced he won’t be valuable in the White House. I just know that half of this country basically hates her, as evidenced by her high negatives.
This poster simply makes him or herself sound ignorant in the process. They’ve somehow extrapolated a novel out of a few lines of a conversation from earlier on the campaign trail. Taking a glimpse at the tags reveals the level of education and judgment the poster exercises.
Well, looking at the tags, what level of education was revealed to you, sporty? Since you are about as condescending and fatuous as your boyfriend Obama, I take it you think I flunked out of 4th grade as evidenced by the high negatives I accrued carving “I’m convinced your mom has the same economic bearing as my 10 inch uncircumsized cock” into my teacher’s forehead with a switchblade before stuffing the aforementioned cock down her throat and nearly choking her with the pint of chunky spooge I customarily ejaculate on a slow day.
Is that erudite and elegantly phrased enough for your ass?
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cllck to examine the difference from some incredible pussy as opposed to the incredible pussies who grow faint whenever they venture out of the “Harry Potter Worship Blog” and their other bookmarks. |
Detect this: do I come over to the UnAstronaut blog and slap the dick out of your Mom’s mouth and tell her how to do her job? Well, yeah, I do, and wipe it off on your little sister’s teddy bear when I’m done, but that’s beside the point.
Listen up you incredibly tight-assed, puerile, spotty faced heap of parrot droppings, because I won’t repeat this, and I’d hate to have to slap you around like a 6 month old baby girl in the hope’s of knocking some some sense into a pretentious pantload like you, mainly because I don’t want the patchouli stink from the cachet you keep in your panty drawer on me:
We do allow comments. Learn to read. Its in all CAPS in the right hand column.
I’m far from alone in thinking Obama just shot his own campaign in the ass. As Tom Maguire says, this ices the Wright cake.
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cllck to examine the difference from some incredible pussy as opposed the incredible pussies who whinge about “salty sailor talk” in political blogs. |
Explaining that rednecks in flyover country are too stupid to know what really ails them, so they “cling” to guns and religion while hating immigrants and minorities, and that’s why they are too damn dumb to know what’s good for them and vote for Obama. Yeah, I’d call that condescending. I don’t care how inspiring his oratory is. Oratory is crap. You don’t govern by oratory. Lincoln was a great orator, and he got things done. Kennedy was a great orator, and he didn’t accomplish jack shit except to start the Vietnam War, abandon Cuban nationalists to their deaths in the Bay of Pigs, almost get us into nuclear war with the USSR and get himself shot in the head.
Oh, and he got more tail than a toilet seat in the process. But that didn’t make him a great president.
Grow up. I think a few cuss words got your underoos all bunched up and you missed the greater point: Obama is a sanctimonious, preening prick, and witness Mssrs. Gore and Kerry for what America thinks of electing stuck up sticky beaks.
They don’t.