I liked this bit (via Tim Blair)
Troublesome Equivalence II
I can no more disown him than I can disown the black community. I can no more disown him than I can my white grandmother – a woman who helped raise me, a woman who sacrificed again and again for me, a woman who loves me as much as she loves anything in this world, but a woman who once confessed her fear of black men who passed by her on the street …The most disastrous sentence in the speech. If Obama’s saying that those who fear young black men on the street are racists, the equivalents of Rev. Wright in offensiveness, then he’s just insulted a whole lof ot people. If he loses the votes of everyone who fears young black men, he loses the election. People fear black men on the street–as even Jesse Jackson once momentarily admitted–because they cause a wildly disproportionate share of street crime. Does Obama want to be the candidate who says that thought is verboten?
Hell, even Chris Rock admitted he was afraid of black men (he used another word) when he used the ATM:
I’ve found Obama ignorant, pathetic, risible, a useful tool for damaging the Dems, just plain stupid and irritating, but after reading this by Roger Simon, I find he makes me angry.
Because I really do believe in racial equality, and strive to live up to that in my private life and do what I can to help ensure it in every part of this country, and Obama hurts that cause, and he does so out of sheer blind ambition and disregard for who he hurts, including those of both races he with whom he shares a heritage.
But no one should be surprised, he’s had the best teachers, haven’t the Democrats done that for generations? Hillary is just as bad.
I love how the nutroots keeps trying to play this as if “keeping the Dems in the news and McCain out of the spotlight” is good for the Dems. It isn’t if negative things are what are in the spotlight. That “any publicity is good publicity” might work for selling books or movies, but its certainly not for candidates. Just ask Eliot Spitzer, arguably the most famous Governor in the country for a week there. He got plenty of press, I don’t think it helped his career or re-election chances.
This week has been fatal to the Dems, in that it proved that far from being the candidate who transcended race, Obama is just another race hustler, the type that has kept up racial divisions and tensions when people WOULD like there to be more understanding and tolerance, destroying his entire raison d’ etre.
And since he’s racked up enough delegates to the point that NOT giving him the nomination is going to piss off millions of die-hard Barry Fannies who wouldn’t leave him if he started wearing a bow-tie and giving Farrakhan speeches, its going to wreck the Dems in Nov. Clinton won’t even be able to give him the lame 3rd in command VP nod, he’s so damaged it would kill her even deader.
For a nation with Republican fatigue, an unpopular war and a nose-diving economy, McCain has stepped into the perfect storm to win a Republican 3rd election in a row, against long odds. Yes, the Dems ARE just that fucked up, and its of their own doing.