name::two-gun weasel //
song association::Only a Fool Would Say That
“Put down that gun, begone, there’s no one to fire upon — If she’s holding it high, she’s telling a lie — Only a fool would say that”
Last year teamdwf was hard at work designing new backstage passes for the docweaslband’s 2008 late summer tour. Here’s a selection of some of the best, submitted by team members g, Kim, d and stig.
Passes are listed by name and a song from the dwb playlist that corresponds to the inspiration for the design.
You can click on them for hi-rez versions you can print out, laminate, and use to bully your way into the VIP sections of the dwb Party Winnebago, which serves as the backstage for the county fair and harvest festival stops on the tour. See you in Davenport, Iowa, in a month!

name::red leather weasel //
song association::Real World
“I wonder what’d be like to be a superhero? I wonder what’d be like if I could fly around down town?”
Tribal tattoo detail. Horsepuke lettering and a lot of negative overlays.

name::speed racer weasel //
song association::Synchronicity II
“Secretaries pout and preen like cheap tarts in a red light street”
Another PC incorrect series of smoking weasels. Primary color extravaganza. Weasel girl grips the wheel and stares alone into the distance – she knows that something somewhere has to break she sees the family home now looming in her headlights, the pain upstairs that makes her eyeballs ache.

name::bassist weasel //
song association::Wild Nights
“You walk wet streets tryin to remember all the wild night breezes in your memory”
Modeled after dwb’s actual bassist’s body specs and sporting the same purple Fender bass w/ p-bass for the treble pickup and j-bass for the bass pickup. The picks are just an affectation, any good bass player plays with their fingers. Bell Bottom blues lettering. Inspired by Van Morrison’s kick-ass bass line and stone cool in the pocket groove.

name::shooter weasel //
song association::Black Friday
“Gonna strike all the big red words from my little black book”
This year’s primary icon for the dwb, used on promo materials and the newest t-shirts from Nutmeg Mills, based in dwb’s hometown of Tampa. And when it comes, I’ll collect everything I’m owed, and before my friends find out I’ll be on the road.

name::rastaweasel //
song association::Santeria
“I really want to say I cant define, well its love that I need, but my soul will have to wait”
Rainbow acid trip flashback. Don’t fuck with the rastaweaselgirl, if you know what is good for you, you best go run and hide -baby’s got a new .45, and she wont think twice to stick that barrel straight down sanchos throat – believe me when I say that she’s got something for your punk ass.

name::grafitti weasel //
song associations::Wonderwall
“But they’ll never throw it back to you, by now you should’ve somehow realized what you’re not to do”
Leather jacked and elbows and shoulders. Aaight! lettering, preferred style for 2008 dwb promo gear. Inspired by the spacy wonderwall madness and the vengeful hate and sensual sweaty love of Alive: She walks slowly, across a young mans room, she said Im ready for you. I cant remember anything to this very day except the look.

name::flying vee weasel //
song association::Counting Blue Cars
“Skip the cracks, in the street and ask many questions like children often do”
Body specs again modeled directly from the actual dimensions of the dwb lead guitarist, and wearing their standard stage apparel. Hang on, hang on me 3 individual pizza’s’re done.

name::smokin’ weasel //
song association::Drive
“It’s driven me before and it seems to have a vague, haunting mass appeal”
Another red-headed weasel and another leather jacket weasel. Wearing a standard dw logo shirt. This one is smoking a cigarette though, and that makes all the difference. Whatever tomorrow brings, I’ll be there with open arms and open eyes, whatever tomorrow brings, I’ll be there, I’ll be there

name::black light space weasel //
song association::Rain King
“Render up my body into the burning heart of God in the belly of a black-winged bird”
Retro 70’s black light poster with a red vinyl hard-nippled space weasel clutching her throat in ecstasy. Or disgust. Hey, I only want the same as anyone! Henderson is waiting for the sun and it seems night endlessly begins and ends; after all the dreaming I come home again.

name::superweaselgirl //
song association::What’s So Funny About Peace Love & Understanding?
“And as I walked on through troubled times my spirit gets so downhearted sometimes”
Superweaselgirl, representing America, the good and true guardian of peace and democracy, freeing enslaved peoples from tyrannical dictators and evil theocracies oppressing their own peoples and murdering their own citizens. Superweaselgirl stands with all the good, decent, hard-working, moral and conscientious American soldiers, working to destroy evil-doers and establish justice and freedom, producing another powerful and loyal ally of the United States, until the entire world is free of oppression and tyranny. God Bless Superweaselgirl and God Damn the enemies of the United States, as SWG and her friends in the U.S. Army, Marines AF and Navy help speed them on their way to hell.

name::teamweasel //
song association::Message in a Bottle
Seems I’m not alone at being alone A hundred billion casatways looking for a home
Crack team of attack weasels utilize their skills with guns and knives to kill their adversaries and leave no prisoners to whine about mistreatment or torture — they enjoy the peace of the grave. No virgins await the Al-Qaeda mercenaries who find no mercy at the hands of TW, just the judgement of Christ eternity in Hell. This week TW infiltrates a gang of Moslem murderers in the wilds of Pakistan and destroys their bomb-making factory, taking 80 terrorist killers out in the process. Pictured: TW dispensing with the wounded: one shot below the chin, angled up into the cerebrum. No more pain, Islamofascist.

name::ipod girl wearing black light weasel babydoll t-shirt //
song association::Girl Like That
“I’m the same ol’ trailer trash in new shoes”
Veronica fills out this black light weasel babydoll t-shirt nicely as she sings along to dwb’s version of American Girl. Rock. Oh yeah, all right take it easy baby make it last all night – she was an American girl

name::pool table girl wearing smokin’ weasel tanktop //
song association::If You Could Only See
“Well you got your reasons and you got your lies and you got your manipulations they cut me down to size”
Millicent relaxes on the soft green felt of Brunswick billiard table, wearing her dwb Smokin’ Weasel tank top and tiny pink terry-cloth hip-hugger shorts. If you could only see the way she loves me then maybe you would understand why I feel this way about our love, and what I must do – if you could only see how blue her eyes can be when she says when she says she loves me

name::tattooed girl wears grafitti weasel t-shirt //
song association::Where the Streets Have No Name
“I want to feel, sunlight on my face – see that dust cloud disappear without a trace”
Getting dressed for the show, sporting her grafitti weasel black t-shirt, Julia watches you watching her. The cities a flood and our love turns to rust – we’re beaten and blown by the wind, trampled into dust – I’ll show you a place high on the desert plain where the streets have no name.

name::teamweasesl //
song association::Blood and Roses
“Love flowers in the springtime, October we were wed – in wintertime the roses died, blood ran cold and then she said…”
The final featured dwb backstage pass for 2008; axe madness. Axe me no questions, I’ll tell you no DIES, MOTHERFUCKER! Rock Rock.