A buttload of leftist (and condescending righty) blogs are accusing “the right” of hysterically trying to make a big deal of this story. The fact is, it’s the parents of kids who might be exposed to Obama’s bullshit who are driving the story: the plain fact is, a lot of people detest the guy and everything he stands for, and they don’t want him talking to their kids directly about anything. To borrow a phrase, he’s not our president. We don’t respect him as such, and we won’t afford him the niceties that come with the office. Pay back is a bitch, isn’t it Koskids?
The righties who obtusely refuse to see what this is all about need a kick in the fucking ass as well. Thankfully, some do get what the point is here.
Althouse wonders what the big deal is. Allahpundit is being his normal trollish, contrarian self trying to stir up his own commentators by being a fucking doucher. He knows fucking well what the big deal is, and it’s two-fold:
The point is to deny the guy EVERYTHING. Don’t grant him a goddamn thing. I say hit him over the head no matter what he does: it works. It DOESN’T make the Republicans look shrill or hysterical. In this day and age, it works, period. You bash the guy long enough, his ratings will be just as bad a GWB’s. I submit that Bush didn’t do a thing wrong but win 2 wars and keep the country safe. He got zero credit for it, and he got bashed repeatedly. I also don’t buy he did a goddamn thing wrong re: Katrina. That entire episode was a media and left wing construct. Well, we can do it too.
The other point is that The Won doesn’t have much restraint when it comes to crossing lines. There was plenty of creepy worship of his Messiahship during the campaign where he had little kids worshipfully adoring him in song and dance (not to mention adults), and he rarely misses a chance to cheap-shot conservatives and make some far left wing point. Plus his association with Ayres and other lefty “educator/propagandist” makes him suspect in ANYTHING to do with kids or school.
Fuck Obama. Grant him NOTHING and bash him at every opportunity. It works. Anyone who DOESN’T attack him by every means available isn’t really on the team.
Listen dumbasses: The Dems are down. Our boot is on their neck. Now is the time to kick them in the fucking face, not lick their balls. If you can’t handle that, get the fuck out of the party, because the days of gentlemanly discussion are over. The left wants to take over every aspect of our lives via glowball warmage laws and socialized health care and nationalization of any many companies and services as possible. If you aren’t ready to fight with everything we’ve got, you’re not just part of the problem, you are worse. You are dragging down those who would fight against the cancer destroying our freedoms. Quit calling yourselves conservatives, because you mislead those who seek guidance into how to best defeat the forces of evil who confront us. Yes, EVIL. Kennedy, Clinton, Obama, Pelosi, Reid, Frank, Rangel. Truly evil people who would enslave us all and seize everything we hold dear if they could. FUCK YOU if you won’t get on board.
UPDATE: I find this kind of condescending bullshit really annoying:
Comment by Venomous Kate (admin)
2009-09-03 10:43:23Good grief. What’s next in the paranoid mindset? A rally against giving H1N1 shots to kids because the gov’t might save the syringes and covertly pattern all of their DNA? Or are we going to claim the shot actually contains brain-washing agents?
Sometimes a boring, stupid speech is JUST a boring, stupid speech.
and she goes on and on. Ok, “Venemous Kate”, we understand, you don’t get it. But just because you don’t, don’t get all fucking patronizing with those who do. You don’t fucking get it, and that is a slam on you, not the people fighting the good fight, you fucking sanctimonious bitch. There is nothing more annoying than a clueless person who, unable to recognize what a fucking tool they are, flail their arms around rhetorically trying to grasp what it is that everyone else is talking about. Best just to shut your whore mouth while conservatives are talking, mmkthxbai.
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