First off, supposedly we’re now “post-racial”, so why is Obama’s blackness being celebrated as the new black supremacy? Black is the new black?
Like now finally it’s “bottom rail on top”, which Obama expressedly once claimed he wasn’t pushing? We here at docweaselblog welcome our new black master and recognize his superiority to the pallid whiteness of past presidents. So, we are christening him His Blackness, Barack Obama.
“Who the FUCK does Obama think he is, anyway?” Why is anyone surprised. He’s been a prima donna from day one, and he gets treated like one. Act like one, people tend to treat you like one, especially when you are bulletproof, like His Blackness, the former PEOTUS, Barack Obama.
It’s not wonder Obama thinks he’s a fucking rockstar. He’s been treated that way his entire life. And he gets pissy when someone misuses his condescending appearance among them to actually do their jobs, because he’s not “that kind of president”- he’s a lightworker and all that. You don’t harass the Messiah on his free time:
President Obama made a surprise visit to the White House press corps Thursday night, but got agitated when he was faced with a substantive question.
Asked how he could reconcile a strict ban on lobbyists in his administration with a Deputy Defense Secretary nominee who lobbied for Raytheon, Obama interrupted with a knowing smile on his face.
“Ahh, see,” he said, “I came down here to visit. See this is what happens. I can’t end up visiting with you guys and shaking hands if I’m going to get grilled every time I come down here.”
Pressed further by the Politico reporter about his Pentagon nominee, William J. Lynn III, Obama turned more serious, putting his hand on the reporter’s shoulder and staring him in the eye.
“Alright, come on” he said, with obvious irritation in his voice. “We will be having a press conference at which time you can feel free to [ask] questions. Right now, I just wanted to say hello and introduce myself to you guys – that’s all I was trying to do.”
The president was quickly saved by a cameraman in the room who called out: “I’d like to say it one more time: ‘Mr. President.’ ”
Obama spent about 10 minutes total, winding his way through a crush of reporters and photographers between the upper and lower floors of the journalists’ workspace and asking questions about who worked where and how the booths and desks were assigned.
Commentators who weren’t sucking Obama’s 2 foot long penis from the start have mentioned this repeatedly, but Obama thinks he’s better than us. He thinks he’s better than everyone, actually, except maybe his wife, and including his parents and grandparents who rasied him. He’s certainly not on the lowly level of past presidents: you just don’t act uppity around Obama: to ask him a direct question is to insult him.
“Elitist” is the term usually thrown around, and it’s accurate, but the fact is, Obama thinks his shit doesn’t stink. He occupies that total dickwithears plane that people famous from late adolescence, like the Beatles and other rockstars or child actors who make the transition to adult star occupy. The total diva, who will throw a seemingly unprovoked tantrum over a small matter. That’s because, it’s not a small matter to them. They demand absolute obeisance and serenity in their world, because the space you occupy when you are in their presence is their world, not yours. When Obama comes down to the pressroom, it’s no longer the press’ room. It’s his room, he’s holding court, you’re lucky he’s even taking the fucking time to come down and let you breath in his stank. You don’t “grill” the man by asking a fair and valid question. Or you get shown up and chastised, and you will pay a price, because the fucking sheep in the press seem to have acquiesced to allowing Obama to call names from a list at press conferences. And if you ask uncomfortable questions that don’t allow for the specialness and grandness of Obama, your name won’t be on the list next time. So we can see how this will go.
Obama is royalty, from day one. He’s not like the Clintons, who actually did have to pay some dues, or the Bush’s, patriarchal scions with a few generations of gentry (read:money and influence) behind them. No, he’s born into it, strictly, I guess, through his cool, unflappable persona, and the fact he’s half-black, meaning he’s an untouchable politician. You can’t do shit to a corrupt black politician (Jefferson, Rangel, et al), you damn sure better not ask hard questions of one as yet unindicted.
We would hope that this sheer audacity of vanity and entitlement leads to Obama making a huge blunder and he doesn’t finish out the term. He keeps pissing off the press and they may just turn. That is what we personally think will happen, hubris will take this preening motherfucker down. Rezko and Aykes are examples of this: the fucker thinks he’s untouchable, that nothing can hurt him, he’s Superman and there is no Kryptonite that can penetrate his black hard-left exclusionary shell. Well, we’ll see.
It’s no wonder he feels this way, because the press has coddled him from the get-go. What’s odd is that they are surprised or annoyed. They are the ones who brought this on.
The good news is, as much as they adore him, he’s elected now, and they can savage him for at least 2 years before they have to re-elect him again, so the only way to advance the story now is to do just that, break from the pack and savage him, as Clinton was after the initial press euphoria at breaking 12 years of Republican rule.
I cannot fucking WAIT for this smug prima donna to get taken down a peg. No one, including the sparkling JFK avoided that, and Obama is no JFK.
UPDATE: More elitism from His Blackness: Obama Snubs Medal of Honor Recipients.
And no, the term, which we have coined, is not racist. It’s based on the fact that we are now being inundated with stories about how “black is now cool” (it wasn’t before?) and how Larry King’s son wishes he were black and etc. etc. Kind of a turn-around on black kids wishing they were white so they got all the perks and advantages white people got back in Jim Crow days? Now the shoes on the other foot I guess, and Whitey better get used to it! His Blackness Abides.