NSFW docweaselblog shows the way
The Village Voice notes our advice for conservative blogs who really want to turn a profit to switch to pr0n and gambling ads instead of worthless BlogAds or the now defunct PJM ads Protein Milkshake has been whinging about.
They would do well to quote our entire article instead of just a one-liner, but the left can only take the truth in spoonfuls, we guess.
VV also refers to us as “Doc Weasel (NSFW)” – the “NSFW” is always worth hundreds more hits from you perverts! Why does everyone insist on referring to us as Doc Weasel instead of docweasel? It hurts our Google ranking, due to the plethora of both Docs and Weasels vs. the dearth of docweasels.
UPDATE: I’d like ot add my 2 cents: Actually, I’m glad to see this because it’s the equivalent of someone saying “the emperor has no clothes”: bloggers like Charles Johnson, Ace, Allah and Goldstein are insufferable pricks, officious, arrogant and have bloated egos and exaggerated opinions of their own self-worth and the actual value of their blogging, and this kind of wonderful development points up the fact that they are just 4 more assholes with opinions, no better than the million or so other bloggers out there.
It’s the fucking PRETENSION and hubris of these guys that is fucking annoying. I hope they do have to roll it up and quit. They are operating bloated vanity sites, unnecessary vanity sites, and they probably hurt the GOP cause more than they helped it with their sniping at McCain for the last year or so. So, fuck them. Who needs them? Speaking for me only, as a blogger over at TalkLeft says, I hope all 4 get cancer and die, or at least lose the ability to type.
This development leaves me pleased as punch. Roger Simon, on the other hand, I like and enjoy. So, keep whinging, you sad fucks, we love it!
Tikun Olam: “Charles Johnson Axed from Pajamas Media Management” has the best take:
Charles Johnson (Little Green Footballs founder) and Roger Simon created Pajamas Media together in a self-congratulatory media frenzy several years ago. There was much talk about how PJM would become THE address for the conservative blog world. Readers and advertisers would pour in. Jewish entrepreneurs Aubrey Chernick and Jim Koshland sank $7 million into the venture with big expectations.
They also recruited a few liberal bloggers like David Corn and Marc Cooper to give them a veneer of bi-partisanship though I note that both of them are gone.
We like Roger Simon, but Johnson is an insufferable, self-important prick, much like Jeff Goldstein, so if they are hurt by this, the gods are great and good and fair. Johnson actually thinks that because he runs the equivalent of a ‘net forum he’s some kind of big shit conservative blogger. Oh, and he made a 2 image animated .gif one time that proved what a tool he is, if we understand his yammering correctly.
Charles Johnson alternates ignorant, whinging posts about Darwin, posts attacking some Dutch group no one has ever heard of and whom no one cares about, with self-congratulatory posts on how he’s making his comments section the most bloated, slow-loading piece of shit on the internet.
Johnson is the kind of useless asshole who helped torpedo McCain, then posted incessantly blaming McCain for losing. If Johnson became a Democrat tomorrow, the GOP and conservatives would be better off. Hopefully, the loss of web welfare will damage that cocksucker Charles Johnsons’ bloated vanity site and drive him off the web with Goldstein. We can only hope.
VV also refers to us as “Doc Weasel (NSFW)” – the “NSFW” is always worth hundreds more hits from you perverts! Why does everyone insist on referring to us as Doc Weasel instead of docweasel? It hurts our Google ranking, due to the plethora of both Docs and Weasels vs. the dearth of docweasels.
So, let’s live up to our NSFW label:
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Alicublog: VV post
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AOSHQ: Ugh: No More Pajamas Media Ads
CMSWIRE: Web Advertising Headed For Affiliate Marketing Scheme?
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Here’s Your Chance to Buy Something You Wouldn’t Want if it Were Free
In case you haven’t heard, Pajamas Media is finally dead. They’re killing their blog network. Which makes sense, if everything that has been leaked is true. This is probably what’s going on: PJM always lost money, so it was paying people out of venture capital. As the capital dissipated, people had to be fired.
PJM’s new hope is PJTV, a pay video site. Where you can pay to watch Glenn and Helen Reynolds. This is not unlike asking people to pay to be punched in the face. It will fail. I can’t understand why anyone would think it could succeed.
The blogger who told me about the end of PJM’s blog network theorizes that the GOP is making PJM its main Internet outlet. That is highly plausible, in view of the unbelievably stupid things the GOP has done over the last few years. Using PJM to make your party popular on the web is like hiring Andy Dick to do sensitivity training. It’s like choosing and proudly presenting a Vice Presidential candidate before making sure her teenage daughter isn’t pregnant, and then expecting her to debate and do interviews after three days of frantic preparation.
The left owns the web, and the web demonstrated its power by getting the left’s bizarre, whining, empty-suit President elected. The right, which was largely saved by the web in the pre-2004 era, has completely forfeited. We learned nothing whatsoever from our victories. We are no longer in the game. The inexplicable, shortsighted antics of the PJs are typical of the moves we make.
Tikun Olam Charles Johnson Axed from Pajamas Media Management