During the mid-’90s to the mid-’00s I was single, kidless and spent 10-18 hours a day working on various jobs and projects on the computer. I had a really cool job ’96-’01 working for an online MMORPG, doing graphics, using the map editor to make game maps, writing special events, wtih all the attendant pop-ups, mythology, explanations, quests, prizes and rewards, enemies, allies etc. etc. for special events and the main game.
Doing this, and other more mundane tasks, I got tired of listening to music in the background all day. I always have to have 2 things going on or I don’t work well. So I turned to movies, and bought thousands of dollars worth – one reason I don’t feel bad about torrenting them for the last decade or so, they got their money out of me- same with the vinyl, cassette, CD scam, I built collections in all those formats and more, I sure don’t feel guilty for downloading the same stuff I’ve bought in at least 2 formats already.
This was going somewhere and I lost the end of the post.