More disparaging of the greatest, most positive force for civilization the world has ever known
A leftist fuck calls Kipling racist. What a shock. Everyone white is a racist these days, so the epithet has kind of lost its sting.
While the Brits may not have been a superior race, per se (as individual Indians were educated in the British school system and excelled as well as born Brits) it was a superior civilization. This reminds me of “The Life of Brian” where the Jewish rebels complain “what have the Romans ever done for us” followed by a long litany of system of governance, education, sanitation, medicine, roads, industry, writing, architecture, aquaducts, infrastructure and brought peace amongst the warring tribes (face it, no one else could tame this lot!).
The Brits left the Indians in better shape than they found them, although they couldn’t solve the savage hatred the Hindus have for the Muslims, which continues to this day, and cannot be blamed on the Brits, those grudges being formed centuries before they arrived.