If women were as competent as men in the office, they wouldn’t make only 75% of what men make. AmIRite guys? 😉
And talking about “caregiving”, correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t the figure like 100% of the people making the “choice” to kill their unborn babies women? Talk about caring! 😀
I’m a single Dad with 2 and 6 year old daughters who receives zero support or help from their mother, who comes to see them every other week or so for an hour or two then disappears. She doesn’t even keep her promises about when she’s coming to see them, let alone lift a finger to help, support of “care-give”. I do everything you need to do to caregive to 2 young daughters, 24/7, with all that entails. I don’t need lectures from this leftist bint who probably, if she has any kids, farmed them out to nannies and day-care. My 2 year old spends the day with me as I work from home, as she has since birth, just like my older daughter did until she started PK3 at 3 years old. I live it lady, do you?
And real classy to spew your feminist bigotry on the ONE day we’re supposed to celebrate and support fatherhood, taking time out from demonizing men, making them look like buffoons in every popular medium, from TV to books to movies, from blaming them for all the ills of the world including everything that is wrong with women. I’m raising my daughters to be confident, strong young women who accept responsibility, face the consequences for their own actions and receive the reward of their own hard work, honesty and virtue.
The absence of accountability is 90% of what is wrong with the world today, men and women. My girls are learning the good and bad of accountability, and I believe that will serve them better than anything else I can teach them. Self-reliance, self-confidence, honest dealing, hard work, love and be loved in turn, real love, meaning sacrifice and giving as well as receiving.
I happen to believe I can do that as well as any woman, and humbly, better than most, if they are like this creature.