Again, how you got Trump
You know why all you lefties insults about how crass and vulgar Trump is fall on deaf ears? Because we sent you guys 2 courtly and gentlemanly candidates in McCain and Romney. They would _never_ have resorted to the attacks Trump did against hillary. And you guys tore them apart with unfair, below the belt bullshit like dog-roof-gate and Romney cutting some kid’s hair and McCain being unable to work email etc.
They never laid a glove on obama and that’s the way you lefties liked it. Now Trump won’t play by those rules and you don’t like it. But we don’t care. Truly, the left’s trolling created Trump, and fire with fire worked and we destroyed your more conventional candidate. obama, despite all your claptrap about how dignified and graceful the guy is, is a world-class troll. He does nearly everything calculated on enraging the right, down to pardoning Bradley Manning this week, to saying the cops acted stupidly, to opening Cuba and kissing Iran’s ass to removing Churchill’s bust and closing off the Arctic to oil exploration and ridiculous 1m acre “national monument” to “I won” and “elections have consequences”- well now the shoe is on the other foot.
We have our own troll, and unlike the right, who largely suffers in silence or civilly, like the Tea Party, which used to clean up the Mall after protests while being smeared as racists, the left doesn’t handle getting trolled well. They riot, try to upend elections, speak uncivilly and destroy common decency (like attending inaugurations) which is the point of trolling: to force your enemy to do stupid and destructive things. The country sees the left contesting elections, needlessly recounting, harassing electors, badgering citizens with celebs, burning looting and pillaging cities, and don’t you think this is playing right into re-elect Trump 2020?
And kicking some GOP ass is another good thing. Ryan and McConnell need a good kick in the pants, and Trump’s just the guy to give it to them.
Now you know how you got Trump.