Poor Sarah Silverman, unfunny as she is unintelligent, her ‘cute young Jewish girl with a foul mouth’ schtick is getting old now that she’s getting long in the tooth, has gone full-on America-hating SJW leftwingnut loony in hopes of capturing a loyal, if not large, audience for her “comedy”.
She can’t fathom American exceptionalism, other than the fact the US is big and powerful and tyrannical and everyone hates us, with good reason. There’s little difference between the US and the old USSR, except if they ran Communism correctly, it would bury Capitalism, I guess, since she’s a full fool socialist.
One stark difference, for Jews in particular, is when the American troops were liberating Europe in WWII, refugees flocked to them and ran from the Soviet flag and army.
All around the world people know, in their hearts, America stands for decency, fair play and justice and yearn for our freedoms, that’s why they still flock to our flag today. Russia and China never had to worry about immigrants sneaking in, always out.
Sure Americans have committed atrocities and war crimes, the difference is we have a military justice system that punishes evil-doers.
That, and the fact that Americans are basically decent, humanitarian, sympathetic and have probably given their lives for the freedom of non-Americans more than any other country in history has done for its fellow-world citizens.
Think about it: has there ever been an empire in the history of the world which has gone 2 oceans away to free peoples subjugated by others, soundly defeated the tyrants, then helped rebuild the countries victimized and the countries which perpetrated the wars, then walked away, without annexing land, without demanding reparations.
America has done this time and again, with the Philippines and Cuba, with nearly the entirety of Western Europe twice, Graneda, Panama, yes, Iraq and Afghanistan, the list goes on. We fought, died and won in those and other countries, then, having won, helped rebuild and walked away, leaving those citizens with more freedom than they’d ever had.
This is why people are proud of the flag, this is why people the world over dream of coming here. People like Silverman, who should appreciate America’s commitment to saving Jewish lives is unprecedented throughout the world other than Israel, just doesn’t get it.
She hates the US flag and Americans more than she fears the Palestinians, who would kill her in cold blood if they could. She’s an idiot.