Monty Python’s And Now For Something Completely Different
Scene 22: People Falling From Buildings
(Two people seated opposite each other at a desk. Between them there is a large window. It appears that they are quite high up in a large office building. Every so often a body falls past the window. They are both working busily. After a pause a body drops past the window. First Man talks. Second Man hasn’t noticed.)
First Man: Hey, did you see that?
Second Man: Uhm?
First Man: Did you see somebody go past the window?
Second Man: What?
First Man: Somebody just went past the window. That way. (indicates down)
Second Man: (flatly) Oh. Oh.
(Second Man returns to his work. First Man looks for a little. As he starts to work again another body goes hurtling past the window.)
First Man: Another one.
Second Man: Huh?
First Man: Another one just went past downwards.
Second Man: What?
First Man: Two people have just fallen out of that window to their almost certain death.
Second Man: Fine, fine. Fine.
First Man: Look! Two people (another falls) three people have just fallen past that window.
Second Man: Must be a board meeting.
First Man: Oh yeah. (another falls past) Hey. That was Wilkins of finance.
Second Man: Oh, no, that was Robertson.
First Man: Wilkins.
Second Man: Robertson.
First Man: Wilkins.
Second Man: Robertson.
(Another falls.)
First Man: That was Wilkins.
Second Man: That was Wilkins. He was a good, good, er, golfer, Wilkins.
First Man: Very good golfer. Very good golfer. Rotten at finance. It’ll be Parkinson next.
Second Man: Bet you it won’t.
First Man: How much.
Second Man: What?
First Man: How much do you bet it won’t? Fiver?
Second Man: All right.
First Man: Done.
Second Man: You’re on.
First Man: Fine. (shakes; they look at the window) Come on Parky.
Second Man: Don’t do it Parky.
First Man: Come on Parky. Jump Parky. Jump.
Second Man: Don’t be silly Parky.
First Man: Come on Parky.
Second Man: Don’t be stupid man!
First Man: Come on man! Jump!
(Cut to a hand writing a letter.)
Voice Over: Dear Sir, I would like to complain about that last scene about people failing out of high buildings. I myself have worked all my life in such a building and have never once.
(Cut to film of man falling out of window.)
(show caterpillar climb over leaves, into house, bed. (Animated) And then show alarm ringing and the caterpillar comes out as a butterfly. Teddy R. lifts up the frame a little and says “Psst! All clear.” Under is a snowy setting. Three men are walk into the snow. They rise up levitating one by one as they harmonize “vocational guidance counselor” as each one sings, the sun gets brighter.)