and not a good one like the ones on this page.
Why anyone puts any stock in anything this stupid motherfucker says is beyond me. He got in on the bottom floor of the internet flood of intense far left discontent, gave them a place to vent, shrewdly took on all the co-bloggers he could so as to maximize effect, and is crowned as a genius and a true pundit on what is going on in politics today and the inside scoop due to his contacts with important insiders.
He’s good at organizing a blog, I’ll give him that, and enrich himself skimming off the top of a tsunami of political contributions by paying himself and his buddies a hefty slice for administering that cashflow, but a political guru he’s not.
Except every fucking analysis or opinion he spouts is wrong. Not just a little wrong. Numbingly stupid, off-base, wrong-headed, irrational, without merit, goofy, childish, sophomoric, shallow, hyper-partisan, unfounded, baseless and ignorant.
I love how Clinton’s surrogates continue to lie about the unsanctioned contests in Michigan and Florida. My kid’s preschool cast ballots too, and Obama won. Should we count those votes as well?
That’s his argument for not seating the Florida and Michigan delegates, that the votes of registered Democrats of legal voting age in 2 of the most important battle-ground states in the country are completely analogous to pre-school children taking a test vote.
For one thing, I call him a fucking liar on the test vote thing. I have a kid in pre-school as well, and as any parent from planet Earth knows, they are just getting into numbers and alphabet and potty training and a lot of drawing, coloring, finger-painting and being read stories. The idea that a 3 or 4 year old knows who Obama or Clinton is, is frankly, not just ridiculous but a fucking bald-faced lie. I call Bullshit. Little Man Tate’s fucking preschool didn’t have a test vote for the Democrat PRIMARY for fuck’s sake.
Next, and more importantly, the sheer vapidity of the remark is just typical of the dumb-shit crap Kos constantly spouts, and is quoted on places like the Blog-o-meter as if he were a sage of the left.
I won’t even call him fatuous, because that denotes a conscious effort to be ridiculous and useless. I think he believes he is making a cogent point.
Its a fool’s labor to go into explaining why this is such a retarded, lame-ass comparison, but suffice to say that it is not the legitimate voters, (who, by the way, will be voting in November with or without Howard Dean’s say so, and it will count) that their betters decided to trump Iowa and NH.
As I’ve mentioned before, I have no clue why the DNC feels like it needs to kiss tiny Iowa and NH’s ass, and its ridiculous to put the interests of 2 states who have had the position of weeding out the field for decades with their first-say above the rest of the country, which has apparently had it to the point of risking not being seated. Now they are calling your bluff, Dean. You want to piss those important voters off so bad they resent you come November?