Remember guys: if you’re gonna tap the gash, ya gotta pony up the support cash – click to embiggen
The leading leftwingnuts are dueling for the rights to ‘lamest argument in favor of abortion.’
DailyKos reminds guys who are stupid enough to have a one-night stand unprotected that: “No abortions means more 18 years of child support after a drunken “mistake”. Choice isn’t a woman-only issue.”
Eschaton one-ups that argument with “It’s time for more men to understand that getting rid of legal abortion increases by quite a lot the chance that one drunk evening will lead to 18 years of child support payments.
Alternatively, it decreases the chance that they’ll get laid.”
and follows with the brilliant poor men won’t be able to have sex because they can’t afford to have more kids, and won’t have the “kill the baby” option open.
Just when you thought liberal pro-abortion arguments couldn’t get any stupider or more morally bankrupt.
Remember guys: don’t hit the hole if you can’t pay the toll – cllck to embiggen
To review, we should have legal means to kill unborn children so that:
- 1. Men can have the freedom to have unprotected, drunken sex as often as possible.
- B. To increase the chances women will be willing to have drunken, unprotected sex.
- III. So that poor guys won’t be left out of the “herpes-a-thon”.
The other unfortunate implication here is that men have a choice as to whether or not a woman chooses to have an abortion. And that encouraging (or by extension, pressuring or coercing) a woman avail herself of legal abortion is a good way to get out of having to support a child. Good old fashioned liberal practical feminism.
Remember guys: don’t bang that patch if you can’t afford the catch – click to embiggen
I love how ‘progressives’ abandon principle depending on the issue they are currently pushing.
Actually, all these arguments kind of sum up current ‘progressive’ philosophy: Those who engage in irresponsible actions shouldn’t have to face unpleasant consequences. Both AIDS activists and pro-abortion activists main argument in common seems to be that the government should do everything it can to protect the Constitutional right to indiscriminate, unprotected sex, often, with as many partners as possible. Its right there, in the Madonna Amendment.
Remember guys: don’t cream in her vag if you can’t handle the deliverage – click to embiggen
UPDATE: Yikes! A late entry in the “dumbest pro-kill the inconvenient baby” argument by Digby of Hullabaloo (who purports to actually have a vagina):
Remember guys: better to stay home and wank than give up some bank – click to embiggen
No, people aren’t mindless animals who can’t control themselves. But, saying to women, “if you can’t afford another child, don’t f***” is not entirely different than saying “if you can’t afford food, don’t eat.”
Of course, she won’t literally die if she doesn’t ever have sex again (or at least until she’s past her fertile years.) But for many women it would be a death of another sort: the death of her humanity. Sex is elemental.
Remember guys: don’t cream in her vag if you can’t handle the deliverage – click to embiggen
So to summarize, having wanton, unprotected sex at will is part of our humanity for the love of God! And of course, if you happen to get pregnant by indiscriminately exercising your humanity, it is only humane that you be able to kill that baby. Abortion protects our very humanity, dammit!
I guessing the next leftwingnut argument will be “if we outlaw killing babies, the terrorists will have won.”
Remember guys: if you make her uterus wet you’ll have 18 years of regret – cllck to embiggen