Maybe this is why no one on the right is mentioning the fact that Romney belongs to a cult that preaches hate, white supremacy and anti-semitism:
I either left a comment or sent a trackback to Bizzyblog re: the previous post Why Almost Every Rightblog is Missing the Point on Why Hugh Hewitt is Full of Shit on Romney, so the bizzyman took issue and deleted that, and sent me a nice little note to explain why he did:
You are certainly entitled to your opinion and passion, but I’m not
going there on the Mormon thing, and won’t allow anti-Mormon posts,
for three reasons:
– It’s against my general policy.
– It distracts from the real reasons Romney is unfit, as documented
at my posts.
– It would play right into Romney’s strategy, which is to play the
bigot card so that people won’t examine his record.I’m not going to allow myself to get sucked into Mitt Romney’s
marginalization strategy, or give him the opportunity to associate me
a commenter. It’s exactly what he wants.I hope you understand.
Tom Blumer
Oh yeah, that’s exactly what Romney wants, people to examine the hateful, oppressive 13th century attitudes towards sex, race and religion Mormonism espouses.
After I stopped laughing at the absolutely hilarious notion Romney is trying “suck” bloggers into a strategy of mentioning the disgusting racism, sexism, intolerance of other religions, repetition of “blood libels” against the Jews, plus all the ridiculous stuff like the fact Mormons believe Lucifer is Jesus’ brother, I wrote him back:
Well, obviously, as far as you are concerned I am not entitled to my opinion because you are far too concerned my opinion will be misconstrued as your opinion, therefore you delete my comment. So, any comment with which doesn’t match your opinion must be removed, because you don’t want to ‘get sucked in’ to any debate on any subject you are afraid will aid a candidate’s ‘strategy’.
Having a comments section, then deleting the posts you don’t like is tantamount to masturbating on your own blog. You don’t get real feedback, you get a mirror of your own opinion and the appearance, to anyone browsing by, of obedient lap-dogs happily parroting the infinite wisdom of your own deep thoughts. Why don’t you just write the comments yourself, under pseudonyms, and make the whole thing just the way you like it?
Would sure save people the trouble of writing them just to be deleted when they deviate from the bizzyblog’s rather arbitrary “general policy”. Cut out the middle man.
You can do what you want with your own blog, but the assertion Romney is gaming rightblogs by forcing them to ‘play the bigot card’ when someone comments on the obvious and very true fact that the Mormon religion teaches bigotry and racism is risible bullshit.
Plus you ignore the rather rich irony that Romney gave a speech asking everyone to tolerate his intolerance, and you forbear anyone else from mentioning it, I guess. He gave a speech on his religion, but we must not mention his religion. How about the colour of his tie? Or should we focus on his elocution?
Sorry, ‘with all due respect’, I find your stance on not mentioning the very subject of his speech cowardly. Why do you bother to blog then? Educate yourself about Mormonism, what it teaches, how they implement those teachings and how pernicious and destructive they are. Then you might find the subject both germane and in fact more important than the fact he had a Mexican gardener or other trivia.
here’s a good place to start:, I find anyone who refuses to educate themselves about this very serious matter and speak out on it either willfully ignorant, cynically ignoring it for political reasons, or tolerant of racism, if not racist themselves.
Quoting actual Mormon scripture, which Mormons themselves profess to believe literally and are commanded to live by daily is not “anti-Mormon” anymore than condemning the KKK by their own writings is KKK bashing. The man gave a speech basically calling anyone who criticizes his beliefs un-America and a bigot. Yet we have no right, at least on bizzyblog, to refute him with substance.
I find your characterization of my honest appraisal of a pernicious cult, and a candidate which would be a disaster for the Republicans as merely an “anti-Mormon” post, frankly, offensive, lazy and facile.
I also find you intellectually vapid if you will not address this very serious and pertinent matter, as well as a bit ridiculous for being so fearful of censure for valid opinions and comments on your site. From who? My comment will be the tar-baby that smears the whole bizzyblog! Oh my paws and whiskers!
Just for the record, we have _never_ deleted a post nor banned a member, since we started our comment forum in 2001. Before that, since ’97, we had the old style nested comments thing like a usenet forum. Never deleted anything that wasn’t a spam or link to pr0n from there either.
But then, we are not so concerned,nor so self-important to worry we are ‘playing into’ anyone’s hands (just typing that made me giggle at the thought!). We post a disclaimer and let people have their say. We _do_ believe people are entitled to their opinions, we make it clear they are not ours, and let the chips fall where they may.
Re your “documentation” of Romney:.If you ignore his racist, sexist and intolerant beliefs, the rest doesn’t mean very much. And, you pretty much serve as an exemplar to my own post on the speech: every rightblog I read about the speech has zero to say of substance other than throw a hissy over Hugh Hewitt telling them the speech was good and they better agree.
That was a rather long way of saying, “don’t be such a fucking pussy, Bizzyblog.”