You know, it won’t resonate with the hard right McCain haters who sniff Romney’s crotch to get the scent of a “true conservative” but to me one of the wonderful things about racist, sexist, intolerant, repressive Mormon asshole Mitt Romney’s rejection, despite his huge financial advantages is that such a bald-faced hypocrite and opportunist could get such play in the right blogs. It totally opened my eyes and kind of stripped me away from the “tribe mentality” that pretty much sums up most of the rightblog/leftblog herd behavior on the net.
That so many bloggers whom I formerly respected and whose opinions I valued would daily suck Mitt’s asshole, ignore his lies and posturing and flip-flopping, ignore and even accuse his critics of “anti-Mormon bigotry” for having the temerity to point out Mormonism is based on racism, sexism, intolerance and hate of other religions and Jew-baiting, all the while portraying themselves as good, decent, loving and family orient people.
Nevertheless, before he criticizes rivals, Mr. Romney often pauses to say that the man is a “friend,” and he seems to believe it.
That’s a good example of the Mormon style of campaigning, and reflects the methods of his cult. The stereotypical Mormon is a very happy, glib, close and loving family who are steeped in religiosity and love. Its just that their religion is rotten to the very core with some of the most vile slanders, hate speech and rancor towards their fellow man in the history of the world. Certainly, no other “religion” has been so based in disparagement and hatred towards others.
That’s why its so disturbing to see the very effective brainwashing Mormonism does to people. A former friend, who joined the cult in a period of psychological problems and estrangement from her family, which was very ably used by the cult to suck her in and keep her there, once said to me:
“Well yeah, there’s some of that stuff but you should read it, there’s some really good stuff in there.”
That’s what makes it so insidious. Between the total, risible hilarity of con-man Joseph Smith’s fables that would make L. Ron Hubbard seem reasonable and 25k verses ripped directly from the Old Testament, there are some noble thoughts. But they are far out-weighed by Jewish blood libel, racist theories about the sanctity or lack of concerning various skin tones, unbridled slander and despicable hate directed toward every other “Christian” religion (Mormons don’t believe in Jesus’ divinity, I’ve always wondered why they style themselves a “Christian” religion, but its small potatoes for Mormon sleaziness regarding rationalization).
The right is surely as venal as the left to accept this scumbag, this charlatan, this serial liar, opportunist, plutocrat and panderer of the first water. And actually, the Malkanite wing has shown me that parts of it are worse. I am totally repulsed by the anti-gay, anti-immigration rhetoric that is a daily staple of the hard right, and has been since the ’04 election. It took their embrace of such a blatant racist sexist intolerant Mormon pig as Romney to drive that home.
Evangelical Christians were not so quick as many rightblogs to excuse the fact that Romney’s cult’s Book of Mormon, which all Mormons must purport to believe and follow LITERALLY, calls Catholocism and all Protestant sects Satanistic abominations, ruled by the Whore of Babylon and created by Satan himself to mislead humankind. They sort of let that be known when Mittens ran a distant 3rd in nearly every Southern state.
I regularly read Mitt’s rightblog Mormon shills decry the fact that Evangelists and Southerners would “vote their own kind” in Huckabee, but have no comment on states with huge Mormon populations like Utah, Nevada, Idaho and Colorado all going for the Mittster.
One of his greatest hypocrite hits was his emphatic rejection of the notion of gay marriage, on the basis of preserving tradition, that homosexuality is unnatural and a homosexual marriage would be unnatural, and that it would destroy marriage. So I guess the fact that he had eight great grandmothers due to the fact his great grandfather was a polygamist is ok. Its ok when a self-righteous and self-described holy people do something freakish and perverted of tradition and culture warping. Not that I think encouraging monogamous relationships between gay partners is at all morally reprehensible. Its just funny that most anti-gay loudmouths will use the “slippery slope” argument. I guess Mitt should know.
Some of his acolytes have such a man-crush on Mitt and are so in love they just can’t let the romance go, even after their lover has jilted them and moved on with their own life:
In reading around the blogosphere, I see there are many wonderful sentiments being posted about Mitt Romney. I was in the hall today when he delivered a genuinely terrific speech, perhaps the best of his campaign. Clearly he “gets” conservatism, if his words are to be believed.
“if his ‘words’ are to be believed”
That’s the operative thing, isn’t it? He was the governor of the most liberal state in the country, enacted socialist medical policies, backed abortion and gay marriage (not that I disagree with his stands, at least back then) and has a politically convenient conversion to conservatism and is very slickly packaged and financed and well-able to convince some of you he “gets” conservatism.
Why don’t I ever get easy audiences like you guys?
My suspicions are that he is a fine man and incredibly capable executive.
Mittens claimed to back Martin Luther King’s march for civil rights 18 years before the church of which his father and grandfather were in the very highest levels of control allowed a black man to be admitted to the temple or be ordained.
Gotta love Mitt, he does have the balls to just brazen out these major contradictions. That’s why you guys get accused of simply being deranged against McCain, because you throw away all rationality and logic to back Romney, mostly because he isn’t McCain and he says all the right things to you.
According to some “players” I know (I wouldn’t know personally) flattering, pretending to care about her opinions and agreeing with everything she says is a great way to lull a girl into submission before you give her a royal fucking, then proceed to ignore her calls.
My suspicions are that Mittens would have made a better player than a politician, although they are related.
Let’s pile on, because the racist, sexist, repressive, intolerant Mormon bastard deserves it:
Mittens Romney Asshole Links:
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Mitt Romney is an asshole.
Mitt Romney is an asshole.
Mitt Romney is an asshole.
Mitt Romney is a Huge Gaping Asshole
Mitt Romney is an asshole.
Mitt Romney: what an asshole.
Mitt Romney being an asshole.
Everyone hates Mitt Romney, the racist, sexist, intolerant asshole.
More people think Mitt Romney is an asshole than anyone else on the planet.
More Romney assholery.
Mitt Romney is such an asshole.Mitt Romney is a douchebag.