The tipping point has been reached and the entire edifice is about to topple, it’s just now becoming obvious to even Obama’s MSM enablers.
Some libtalkers, like Donna Brazile, are still pretending Obama can right himself and salvage Health Care Socialism, but he would do well to salvage any power or political capital at all at this point. His party is facing a bloodbath in ‘10, and I don’t think even the most optimistic of GOP analysists have fathomed it’s depth, or they are afraid to jinx it by saying it out loud.
The dismissal of the anger of the American public is a grave mistake by the left. If there are hundreds and thousands of middle-class, center-right and elderly voters willing to actually go to town hall meetings and publicly protest, there are millions more like-minded citizens who support them. When you move the silent majority, you do indeed wake a sleeping giant. The class of citizen who we see on Youtube and TV railing at congressmen at town halls is a class that isn’t conditioned to protest as the left is. The fact they are up in arms is proof itself of the depths of hostility to Obama and his agenda.
It’s not just the economic slump and the financial crisis: it’s the unprecedented outlay of money by the Federal Government. And the public is smart enough to know that Health Care “reform” will cost even more. Americans also know that inevitably, taxes will have to rise to pay for all these outlays. There is almost a desperation by voters to stop the Federal monster in it’s tracks for what it’s already done: getting new programs funded would be absolutely impossible even for a popular president, which Obama no longer is.
The American public is center right, and needs reminding every generation or so why they despise the left. The Democrats were once a party of the working man, minority rights and social justice. Now they are a hodge-podge of radical special interests whose binding philosophy is government control of as much of society as possible, and their side in charge of government.
Glowball Warmage is a perfect vehicle for enabling complete government control of every facet of our lives, that’s why they are so invested in it. Health care “reform” takes control of another huge sector of power, patronage, pork and partisan spoils. When the government controls everything, those who control the government will have unlimited assets to hand out to their supporters and unlimited legal and political power to punish their enemies.
The ratchet effect, plus GOP connivance in the same game when they are in power, makes the loss of liberty and personal freedom in this country inevitable, it seems. But sometimes if the frog is boiled to quickly, it jumps out of the pot. Obama miscalculated (or is too ignorant of actual Americans to realize his blunders) and now the anger is unleashed, and there is absolutely no way he can recalibrate his message to “save” his agenda, even if he were capable or inclined to do so. Arrogance, ignorance and pure blind ideological rigidity make him a slave to his socialist roots and his past socialist masters’ teachings (Ayers, Alinsky, Wright, et al).
Actually, the fact he is such an ignorant politician, completely devoid of actual experience at governing, plus the fact that he is such a far left ideologue, all redounds in the GOP, and the American People’s favor, because he is crashing and burning spectacularly in a very short period of time, compared to a more canny, less indoctrinated, and more experienced politician, like say Hillary Clinton, would have been. She would have been a formidable adversary for the GOP and the cause of freedom in American, indeed.
We should all be thankful the stars aligned to deliver such an inept agent as Barry Obama , who has turned out to be quite the Manchurian Candidate after all. The Republicans could not have created a more perfect stooge to completely demoralize, destroy and demonize the Democratist party if they had hired one from central casting. The facts of his ascendancy and his meteoric rise will serve to jade the idealistic youth who canvassed for and adored him. Any politician in the future who dares to stupidly ape his “Hope ‘n Change” message will be ridiculed. Liars like Obama who pretend to foster “bi-partisanship” will be laughed out of continence.
For the nutroots, he has been the “great black hope” for finally enacting so many many liberal policies. When he fails, they are going to turn on him with a vengeance, as they already are.
Unfortunately for black presidential candidates, he has probably damaged the fortunes of intelligent, educated black politicians for a generation or more, because any who follow him will be inevitably compared to him and his terrible failings, lies, prejudices and blunders. The epithet “liberal” is once more reinforced as a bad word to Americans, and he’s working on damaging their new construction, “progressive”.
These are heady times for the Right (and the right), indeed, but there is much work to be done. The death throes of this presidency, and his sycophants, Pelosi and Reid, Frank and Randel and lesser minions, will not be pretty. They will seek to bring down the entire structure rather than let the Republicans take control again. Hence the profligate spending and racking up of huge deficits that will eat up budgets for decades. We have to stop them from damaging the country in ways that will be hard, or impossible, to repair once the Righteous side is back in the saddle.
But things have not looked this good for the GOP in many, many years. Heady times, indeed.
A lot of links from our new favorite blog : Zombie Contentions, a kindred spirit in the battle. Read his entire blog for some really trenchant and on-the-nose observations about Obama and his agenda and the catastrophe to come.
Around The Sphere: The Year Of The Tiger May Bring Elephants To The District
The Patriot’s Mind: Tanking?: New Poll shows Obama’s Approval at 42%
Mark Epstein: Sarah Palin, Health Care, and the Adolescent President
Support Your Local Gunfighter: Zogby Poll: Obama Approval At 42%
SOYLENT GREEN: What This White House Needs Is More Cowbell
Datechguy: 41 months