Ignorant of protocol. Ignorant of history. Ignorant of executive expertise. Obama is blowing the Socialized Health Care takeover on every level (via Redstate):
After insisting no one was receiving unsolicited e-mails from the White House, officials reversed their story Monday night and blamed outside political groups for the unwanted messages from the tech-savvy operation.
White House online director Macon Phillips said in a blog posting that independent groups—he didn’t name them—had signed-up their members to receive regular updates about Obama’s projects, priorities and speeches.
The White House had consistently denied that anyone who hadn’t sought the e-mails had received them.
The press always has to lump in the positive adjectives, even when they are at odds with the story in which they appear.
In fact, Obama’s organization has shown a distinct _lack_ of tech savvy. The lowliest mailing list or net forum requires return email on attempted subscriptions. Of course, it wasn’t in their interest to in any way limit their list by forcing someone to verify their email address. But it certainly doesn’t show any “savvy”- it shows a distinct lack of savvy, of realization that people don’t like receiving unwanted emails, of the possibility that malicious agents could sign up people who didn’t want the emails as a way of taunting them, or just to gin up more addresses and help the things go “viral”.
There’s a word for this: it’s called spamming. Spamming political emails is not “savvy”, it’s ignorant and stupid, because anyone with any apprehension would realize the possibility for backlash, which is what happened, turning a “tech savvy” tool into a negative: bad press, reverse reaction, absolute failure as a program, in which the White House had invested a lot of time, propaganda and money.
When can we start admitting the plain truth: Obama is _not_ intelligent, he’s not a great politician, he’s not “savvy” in anything but leftist politics. He’s an arriviste of the first water, an opportunist who was there when the press wanted to pump up the ultimate in affirmative action: nominating and electing a man who is proving incredibly unready for the job into which he has been thrust, and he’s making a complete hash of it on every conceivable level. This is just one symptom.
And in actuality, it will end up destroying the left’s window of power and reinvigorating and reinstating the right back into power. Even the Left is waking up to the fact they’ve set up a walking pantload as their god.
Fire Andrea Mitchell!: ObamaCare continues to crumble
The Rude News: America Is Getting Played
Stop The ACLU: Public Option Dead on Healthcare
Let Freedom Ring: The Public Option ISN’T Dead Yet
Mark Epstein: Why don’t Obama, Reid, Pelosi and the Democrats FEAR the American people?
Goodtimepolitics: Barack Obama’s administration appears ready to drop ‘public option’ from Health Care Bill
Goodtimepolitics: If Sarah Palin’s dim and Obama is brilliant, how did he lose the argument to her?
Axis of Right: Is The Public Option Dead?
Health Care BS: Public Option Comprimise
GOP Counterculture: Radio silence
ExposeTheMedia.com: Monday, August 17, 2009
Hot Air: White flag or trial balloon?
DaTechguy’s Blog: Great tea party kid don’t get cocky
NEOAVATARA: Obama’s Retreat: The Public Option Is Dead
Scared Monkeys: Obama Admin Trial Balloon
NObama Blog: White House public option ploy: A trial balloon, not a white flag
American Power: Obama on Public Option 2 Steps
Be John Galt: Public Option Doublespeak
Political Vindication: Obamacare’s Demise is Democrat’s Gain
Hot Air: The Public Option
Patterico’s Pontifications: Individual Mandate Two-step:
Sister Toldjah: Why you shouldn’t believe the “public option may be off the table” spin
Around The Sphere: It’s Dead, Jim
Frugal Café Blog Zone: Union Thuggery Against ObamaCare Protesters
Cold Fury:Anybody here remember what hudna means?
Frugal Café Blog Zone: Mark Levin Laughs!
Frugal Café Blog Zone: “Town Hall” or “Town Hell”?
The Jawa Report: Health Care Reform
Ace of Spades HQ: Health Care Reform
docweaselblog: Let Us Prey
Ace of Spades HQ: Health Care Reform
docweaselblog: Ass-end of Health Care Socialism?
Frugal Café Blog Zone: Native Americans Against Obama
The Underground Conservative: White House Retreat On Public Option?
Temple of Mut: What is a Parthian Retreat?
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