Throw the bastards out.
A depressing article blaming the GOP for not playing along with democrat grandstanding.
Darn those Republicans for not playing along with the democrats empty political theater! Left wing shills politico blame the GOP either way. How about placing the blame where it belongs, with dingy harry reid and the (not for long) democrat senate majority. Dingy harry can’t be dethroned as majority leader soon enough for me. He is a disgrace.
Leftist Media can spin uncivil Arabs booing their own keynote speaker as a slam on Conservative Ted Cruz
Leftist are spinning as hard as they can to turn Arab “Christians” booing a speaker they invited to their symposium because he said something with which they disagreed to the point he had to leave the stage as the person being heckled as deserving it. Just like democrats commonly claim women who are beaten deserve what they get (if the beater’s politics are correct), they take the same tack here, blaming Ted Cruz for not pandering correctly, or something (safe link, goes to an article bucking the narrative that of course, the conservative Tea Party favorite involved is the criminal here.)
Perennial Leftist call to ditch national anthem just because conservatives support it
Leftist hack advocates dumping Star Spangled Banner because Francis Scott Key, like most affluent Southerns of the time, owned slaves.
American slavery completely negates any positive aspects the US has ever conveyed upon the world because American slavery was the worst case of slavery ever in the history of the world, of course, and black Americans are the most victimized and worst treated, for longer and numerically the most people affected, in the history of the world.
Why Leftists keep falling for hoaxes, and why leftist reporters keep concocting them
Janet Cooke of the Washington Post on how the system and society failed a 12 year old heroin addict.
Let Us Prey
And now, a very apt requiem for Obamacare, just replete with apropos references to pundits and fey Senators and democrat demagogues:
Republican crisis: what should we do about it?
Demographics do not favor the Republicans. The much derided “coming democrat majority” is upon us, and unless the GOP does something drastic, it’s days as a competitive national party are numbered.
hell with comity
Patterico makes the case for Obama’s decency. Why a right-blog has any business doing that, I have no idea. Let the lying lefties make that case, if Patterico’s thesis is correct, their abuse of the truth these 8 years will cause them to be disbelieved, even when telling the truth. But it won’t, because there is no downside to demonizing your opponents, we have found. If this election has taught us anything, it’s that decency goes unrewarded and the smearing of decent people works.