Adventures of Debra “Kadabra” Medina
Oh Debra Fauntleroy-Magnesium Kadabra!
Take me with you . . .
Don’t you want any of these?The Continuing Adventures, I think, of Debra Kadabra.
Earlier this week, Texas GOP Gubernatorial candidate Debra Medina made news in a Glenn Beck interview when she refused to condemn 9/11 conspiracies.
Obama has no fucking business addressing our kids
A buttload of leftist (and condescending righty) blogs are accusing “the right” of hysterically trying to make a big deal of this story. The fact is, it’s the parents of kids who might be exposed to Obama’s bullshit who are driving the story: the plain fact is, a lot of people detest the guy and everything he stands for, and they don’t want him talking to their kids directly about anything. To borrow a phrase, he’s not our president. We don’t respect him as such, and we won’t afford him the niceties that come with the office. Pay back is a bitch, isn’t it Koskids?
Pavlov’s dog, anthropomorphized
It’s back to girls, girls, girls, teen-age girls, amateur girls, etc. for docweaselblog, and out Moms couldn’t be happier.
Why? Because there is nothing more lovely than the human body.
Everyone knows this. So why do people make a big deal about naked amateur teens? It is a political thing?
And why wouldn’t they? A young, completely legal and nubile amateur teen exposing her titties is a gift from God himself.
Attention whore Charles Johnson suffering under delustion people still give a shit what he thinks, does or says
Good analysis of Johnson’s latest flounce out of the right’s door in a fit of pique on Right Wing News.
Read it all, it’s great. However.
Mr. Hawkins:
I think you’re correct on the continuing process, but not correct on the actual “big bang” of why he decided to start deeming people “fascists” in the first place (and all that came after).
Useful idiot Andy Levy urges conservatives to lift tail for Obama
Maurice “Snoopy” Miller: “You know, in a situation like this, there’s a high potentiality for the common motherfucker to bitch out.”
When you’re down and in a tough spot, you don’t curl up and die. You don’t lay down and take it. You don’t bitch out.
Republican crisis: what should we do about it?
Demographics do not favor the Republicans. The much derided “coming democrat majority” is upon us, and unless the GOP does something drastic, it’s days as a competitive national party are numbered.
hell with comity
Patterico makes the case for Obama’s decency. Why a right-blog has any business doing that, I have no idea. Let the lying lefties make that case, if Patterico’s thesis is correct, their abuse of the truth these 8 years will cause them to be disbelieved, even when telling the truth. But it won’t, because there is no downside to demonizing your opponents, we have found. If this election has taught us anything, it’s that decency goes unrewarded and the smearing of decent people works.
Thank you John McCain, the most decent and honorable politician in America
Rightblogs who never gave McCain wholehearted support now bitch about his loss
Fuck you Michelle Malkin, you fucking race-baiting, one-issue, immigrant bashing bitch. A good deal of the blame for McCain’s loss lies at your door. Having worked her ass off to sabotage McCain, Malkin could at least STFU for a day. If the conservatives had backed McCain whole-heartedly, there’s no reason he shouldn’t have won all the states Bush won, at least.