Janet Cooke of the Washington Post on how the system and society failed a 12 year old heroin addict.
Jayson Blair of the NYT with stories on how wounded Iraqi vets had been failed by the military.
Stephen Glass of the New Republic and his “expose” of Young Republicans using drugs and buying hookers at a GOP confab.
Jack Kelley of USATODAY and his story about murderous Jewish West Bank settlers.
Christopher Newton of the AP with fabricated stories promoting civil rights and rights of illegal immigrants and bashing the Bush admin.
Dan Rather and Marla Maples fired from CBS for the fabricated Bush docs.
Michael Gallagher from the Cincinnati Enquirer on the mistreatment of banana workers in Central America by big US corporations.
Michael Gartner, fired by NBC for the fraudulent story about corporate giant GM manufactured pickups exploding upon impact, which was found to have been faked.
Ruth Shalit, fired for fabricating a 13,000-word piece about the growing backlash against affirmative action at The Washington Post
Now we can add Sabrina Rubin Erdely of the Rolling Stone and the UVA rape hoax.
So why does the left keep falling for these fake stories? Just because they coincide with their own deeply-held beliefs that conservatives are not only wrong-headed on issues but actually evil and hate poor people and minorities (notwithstanding a large percentage of both are increasingly voting Republican)?