Reality is in the melanin level of the beholder
Ho-hum, another entitled black elite gets in a situation with the cops, this time, unlike the case where the lady of color was in danger of getting hit by cars because she’s too dumb to walk facing traffic (she feels entitled to walk in the middle of the road because of years of white traffic privilege, or something) this Princeton prof of color had warrants out for her arrest.
And predictably, she was totally in the right and the cops were hostile, mean, racist, intimidating, rude, hateful, unruly, unkind and pretty much RAC-ISS!11 as Robert Byrd at a Klan Night Koffee Klatch.
Except the dash cam shows the cops being reasonable and thoughtful, in fact, I’ve been arrested for traffic (in my dissolute youth) and I don’t remember cops being so mindful of my feelings. I think one of them called me a scumbag, in fact. They put on the cuffs very tightly so they dug into my wrists, raised them high behind my back and fastened them to a hook in the inside roof of their patrol car and left me there for 3 hours while they did paper-work and I don’t know what all before taking me to county where bail was waiting for me to get in so I could get back out.
However, she got the royal treatment, probably due to the fact black people are bitching so loudly about the cops lately that a cop doesn’t dare look sideways at a black perp, let alone one who is an elitist scumbag who will go running to their black BLM amd self-hating white SJW white knights to complain, file suit and get the officer fired for daring to call the black lady “ma’am”, which could be construed as, something.
So how does any self-respecting (and god, they do have self-esteem, if nothing else) professional victim class reconcile the fact that their cries of “brutality!” can be so easily refuted now? How will they garner twitter twit sympathy, get free money from GoFundMe accounts bankrolling their lawsuits against the municipality and the cops and basically take residence on a high, self-righteous high-horse against the eeeevvvilll white persecutors?
This is so easy I’m surprised the BLM/SJW/feminazi crowd hasn’t seized on it yet: lately, both criminals committing crimes and elitist black professors and celebs have been burned by cameras video-taping the reality of what they claim were hostile encounters with the police which were shown by dash-cams to be cordial and polite. The black lady power-walking with traffic is another such situation. Like this princeton lady, she was humiliated by the obvious reality that she lied about the encounter.
However, there’s an easy rebuttal to this and I can’t believe these black griefers, as well as other SJWs haven’t glommed onto it yet: regardless of what the camera shows, it doesn’t tell the story of how the Princeton bint FELT inside. To the privileged white people viewing this, its seems like the officers are being polite and cordial, but due to the woman’s life-long victimization by whites their “polite” demeanor felt hostile and devious. To a white person in the same situation, yes, the cops seem to be reasonable and just doing their job.
To a black person who fears being brutalized at any second these same actions take on a sinister tone. They weren’t really being polite, it was sarcastic and false and their REAL intent was to intimidate and humiliate this person of color who identifies as female. The camera can’t show the turmoil and sick feelings of being demeaned this poor lady felt inside.
Watch, this will be the defense given against these “dash-cam exposures” of black entitlement and faux victimization. And it will be irrefutable and a perfect response that can net the black “victim” damages against the police, release from all citations and offenses and result in the end of white officers’ careers and public castigation and hate poured upon their heads.
Because everyone’s reality is different, you see. The camera can’t capture everything. Mark my words. These professional victims can’t have their meal-ticket to power cut off by mere physical evidence.