Demographics do not favor the Republicans. The much derided “coming democrat majority” is upon us, and unless the GOP does something drastic, it’s days as a competitive national party are numbered.
Unless the GOP finds a way to attract Hispanics, and yes, conservative blacks, it is going to go the way of the Whigs.
Jon Huntsman, Gov of Utah
When we chatted at the RGA meeting, Huntsman voiced concerns about the direction of his party, saying that Republicans are on the wrong side of “seismic demographic shifts that are occurring right under our feet.” Huntsman, who has a strong record as a tax-cutter in Utah, argued that Republicans should talk more–and more convincingly–about the environment and issues that appeal to younger voters. He warned against “always trying to remake the world to look just like us.”
One suggestion:
There’s a lesson there. If I were a Republican, I’d ignore the inane Palin debate and start looking around for a politician who had the good sense to break with the bipartisan consensus and oppose the bailout bill before it passed. Then I’d start planning an insurgency.
Well, I can agree with parts of that. First, give up on Palin. Palin, despite early enthusiasm for her (including many who write for this blog, who were ecstatic over her) has turned out to be an uninformed, intellectually incurious dolt. Her stupidity during interviews and the debate cannot be excused away by the claims she was “badly handled”.
She bungled simple questions. I could have answered them better, and I’m half her age and have zero political experience. However, I read the blogs, newspapers and I learned history and geography in highschool and college. She, apparently, did not. She’s every bit as dull and uninformed and slow on her feet as the left portrayed her.
She should be abandoned and the Young Turks of the Republican Party, those who are left, should start a new Gingrich-type Revolution.
The second thing with which we here at docweaselblog agree is the need for an insurgency. Boehmer, McCain and the rest of the GOP old-timers need to be removed as the leaders of the party. They won’t go easy, so they should just be passed over and ignored.
The strategy needs to change as well. The GOP needs to jettison some of the social conservatism that smacks of forcing morals on others, and focus on fiscal responsibility. The GOP majorities of the 90’s and early 00’s squandered the GOP branding of “tax cutters” and “small government”. They need to reinvent the party and offer an alternative to the Democrats.
I’ve been turned around on expelling RINOs. Fuck the big tent. Offer an alternative and publically expel soft conservatives. It worked for the dems. Also, fuck comity and bi-partisanship. Reid, Pelosi and Co. have been the most partisan bastards in modern history. Same with the nutroots. They fly under the radar and get astro-turfed rumor and lies into the public discourse. We need to do the same thing. We need to use propaganda, deceit, ridicule, personal attacks and any other weapon at our disposal.
Lastly, we need to destroy the MSM even faster than it is destroying itself. First, no Republican should have a newspaper subscription. No Republican should take out an ad in the newspaper. Starve them.
Do not comment on their websites, in fact, do not visit them nor quote their stories nor link them. Use Breitbart or some neutral news aggregator (this does NOT include Google or Yahoo, btw). DO contact advertisers and complain. Email bombing campaigns should be organized for all conservative issues and to battle anti-conservative stories, guests on news-shows, MSM attack stories and articles, etc. It’s all out war against those cocksuckers. We need to destroy them completely. Republican politicians should release press releases only to friendly news services and bloggers and declare the MSM networks enemies and refuse to cooperate with them in any way. That also worked for the Dems.
We need to take a further cue from them and start grassroots support for local candidates. We need to recapture state Sect. of State offices that control elections.
This is all-out war and if we don’t fight them as brutally as they are fighting us we’re going to get buried. We need to literally destroy them. Either that, or die as a party.