Rightblogs who never gave McCain wholehearted support now bitch about his loss
Fuck you Michelle Malkin, you fucking race-baiting, one-issue, immigrant bashing bitch. A good deal of the blame for McCain’s loss lies at your door. Having worked her ass off to sabotage McCain, Malkin could at least STFU for a day. If the conservatives had backed McCain whole-heartedly, there’s no reason he shouldn’t have won all the states Bush won, at least.
The so-called “conservatives” who bashed and bitched about him right up until the end are now bitching about his loss.
Jesus fucking christ Ace. One thing that has pissed me off since the beginning is the rightblogs bitching about McCain, he should have done this, he should have done that blah blah blah.
No other Republican would have stood a chance this year. Without the big hit of the financial mess, which was not his fault, he might have pulled it out. Who do YOU propose might have? Your darling Romney? Huckabee? You hate him too.
It’s bullshit that McCain was “rudderless” or didn’t have a campaign theme or plan. I’m not even going to go into the nuts and bolts of it, but he damn sure had more than “Change and Hope”. It’s just dishonest and frankly, childish to make these kinds of false statements.
The guy ran a classy, hard-edged and gutsy campaign. The motherfucker is more than 2x my age, and I’m tired after one plane trip. He took at least several a day for 3 years, and never slowed down, never backed down, came back from NO WHERE with his entire staff quitting and no money and damn sure nearly pulled it off.
Can’t you even fucking give him a couple hours of props before bitching about HIM? You ask me, you and other half-assed conservatives who either withheld support (Malkin) or gave it grudgingly or voted for him “with nose held shut” instead of getting behind him 100% are part of the problem. He shouldn’t have needed Palin to shore up conservatives. If they were truly conservatives, they should have sucked it up. In the end, the Dems got behind Obama 100%. The PUMAs were a myth, or a tiny minority. The left blogs were a monolithic force for Obama, and I believe they moved coverage and influenced the “narrative” for whatever that’s worth. The right blogs moved a narrative that McCain wasn’t pure enough and could barely stand him.
Who the FUCK do you see leading the party now? Palin? Please. Romney? He’ll never win national office, ever. I’m proud of McCain, proud that he led our party, prooud of the job he did in the face of ENORMOUS odds. Jesus Christ, can’t you put aside your hurt feelings for one night at least and give the man props?
He’s the only decent, honest and forthright politician of national stature I know of in this country right now, barring Bush. He’s the most experienced and he’s got a claim as having done more for his country than any other. You don’t like him on immigration and finance reform and I guess a few other vagaries. Well boo fucking hoo.
To every conservative who withheld 100% support of McCain, this defeat partially lies at your door as well. Every post you made slamming him. Every whining bitching post about some arcane policy difference. I read the left blogs, and once Obama as the nominee, they were like a juggarnaut in their solidarity. In this day and age, and with the odds McCain faced, he needed and deserved our unwavering support.
Who better? And what was the alternative?
Big picture man. Eyes on the fucking prize. Hey Michelle Malkin, hey Rush Limbaugh, hey “conservatives” sending a message, what have you won? What have you proven?
I blame them more than McCain. He gave his all, as he always has. They didn’t.
You could at least have the decency to go one night before bitching about the man.
Now go off on me and foam at the mouth. Jesus, you talk about Sullivan being hormonal. You go off like this regularly, and you have all through the election. It’s not constructive. It’s not helpful. And you can garner some of the blame or credit for President Barack Obama yourself before you start complaining about a man who, in my opinion, gave the full measure of himself in this campaign. I love the guy like a brother
McCain’s a bawcock and a heart of gold,
A lad of life, an imp of fame;
Of parents good, of fist most valiant.
I kiss his dirty shoe, and from heart-string
I love the lovely bully.I’d have been proud for him to be my president. I respect him more than any other politician extant. We’re fucking lucky to have had him, and I thank him for his effort, which was prodigious. I supported him from the start, without reservation, once he was our nominee.
Thank you to John McCain, a conservative, a patriot and a decent man.
Now to shift gears, after thanking Palin for her yeowoman service on the stump, can we quit with the “Palin 2012″ bullshit?
Peter Moore, you’re full of shit. What exactly do you propose, in your wisdom, McCain should have done? Who do you think should have been nominated?
And you Palin lovers, now that the election is over, can we admit she was out of her depth? Is there one person who posts here who doesn’t know what the Bush Doctrine is? She was dreadful in some of those interviews, plain and simple, and made McCain look dumb for choosing her. That he had to do that to shore up the “base” is bullshit anyway. The fucking base should have been there for him, period. Now what have they proven? Are they better off to have withheld support and made their point?
Palin lead the party? Please. We posted supporting her and rooting for her as first woman president, before her vacuous interviews. Then we maintained respectful silence. But to name her as the leader of the party in the hearts and minds of the faithful now is just ludicrous. She hasn’t earned it and she’s far from ready. I like her personally, but almost any regular blog reader could have done better in those interviews than she. I was frankly appalled. Does she follow the news or read history at all? She shouldn’t have REQUIRED that intense cramming.
Thank you to Sarah for being a spirited, hard working campaigner. But she was a net negative, the base are fucking babies to have required a sop like that, and she was a disappointment in interviews and the debate and did not help the ticket, and in fact probably hurt, overall.
But at least he didn’t pick Romney, so there’s that.
And more, from rightblogs who assure us it’s better that McCain lost, because he wasn’t really up to the job anyway, so apparently Obama will be better:
Unlike many, well, most of my compatriots, I am not filled with a deep sense of gloom and foreboding at the prospect of the most left wing president since FDR gaining the Whitehouse. In truth, I can see many reasons to think it may well be a far better outcome than if a Big State Republican like McCain won.
Of course Obama will bring an avalanche of policies that will be truly appalling and quite wicked, of that I have no doubt, much like his predecessors in office in that respect. As the global economy continues to come unglued, everything Obama does to deal with the mounting crises will I fact make things worse. Civil liberties will be hammered, all in the name of ‘fairness’, and the flood of regulations pertaining to every aspect of economic life will grow into a drowning ocean.
And that is actually the good news.
Why? Because in truth the Republicans under John “I support the bailout” McCain would scarcely have done much better. The economic global meltdown is only just starting to roll: if you think the sub-prime mortgage crisis was the biggie, just wait until you see the fallout from the fun and frolics of the impending mess in other areas, such as debt swaps. This is all going to get worse, a lot worse, and Obama is going to do absolutely everything to dig the holes deeper. Looking back on this period ten to twenty years from now, the Republicans crying into their beer tonight will be saying “thank Christ it was not us in office then”.
The lesser evil is not going to win this time and much as it may not seem that way now… or any time soon I suspect… in the long run this has a far far better chance of leading to the rebirth of a genuine pro-liberty, pro-market political culture that the gradual incremental surrender of recent times made impossible.
Oh bullshit. You know, it’s crap like this and half-hearted support and constant carping against McCain by “conservative” blogs deserves a good bit of the blame for the loss. Yeah, Obama will name better judges than McCain. Yeah, Obama will veto the Dems excesses. Yeah sure, Obama will defend the US by taking the battle to the terrorists, not drawing down our troops and weakening our military. We can afford all that so that in 20 years we can be glad someone competent was not in charge during this crucial time, I guess, for short-term political gain.
You are either being disingenuous, you are not serious, or you are stupid.
Fuck Malkin, Limbaugh and all the so-called “conservatives” who withheld 100% support for McCain and who propagated smears like this post. They deserve a great deal of blame for the loss. And mushy headed thinking like this post are part of the problem. And Glenn Reynolds sure does link some crap sometimes. This is almost as bad as his obsession with pimping Katie Granju’s cretinism.
I am pretty sick of reading all the carping about McCain by the very people who are culpable in his defeat. Let’s honor the guy and give him props for running a very good campaign against tremendous odds.
I’d sure like to know who all you fucks thing would have been better? Romney? The opportunist who has only been a conservative since this campaign began? Huckabee or Guiliani? You hate them as much as McCain. Fred Thompson? Well, he looks like a president, even if he can’t campaign worth a shit.
Palin? Now that the campaign is over, can we say that while a dynamo on the stump, she’s vacuous and uninformed and terrible on current events, history, geography and politics outside of Alaska. Anyone who posts here who doesn’t know what the Bush doctrine is? Or who couldn’t have answered Couric’s questions without looking like a deer in the headlights? She was a net drag, and its bull that McCain had to offer this sop to the “base” to appease them. The PUMAs came home, the “conservatives” should have sucked it up and done so as well, we might have pulled it out if they had.
Screw all you McCain bashers who even now bash him for losing when you’re all culpable in his loss because of your petty grievances over his “impurity” as a conservative. Now what have you won? What have you proven?
Oh, in 20 years we’ll be glad we dodged some political fall-out. Well, that’s comforting. I guess it’s worth a far-left SCOTUS and unhindered socialist control of all branches of the US government. Because you assume McCain wouldn’t have been up to the task, in your wisdom.
Thanks “Perry de Haviland”, for yet more slamming of McCain on the basis that he lacks in courage, conviction or ability by his “friends” on the right. Well, he’s a better man than any Republican leader I know, other than Bush. And he’s more of a true conservative than any of you weak sisters, “Perry”, and has more guts and courage to boot.
Even Olivia has bigger balls than you, for Christ’s sake.